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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 1.11 Released
Filed under: — orudge @ 27/12/2000 1:00 am
I have released version 1.11 of my TT Saved Game Manager. Download it here.
GEMP3 1.21 Released
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 am
I have released an important update of GEMP3. No matter what version of GEMP3 you are using, download this. (Also download it if you don’t have GEMP3… )
GEMP3 1.2 Released
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/12/2000 1:00 am
I have released version 1.2 of my MP3 player for GEM, GEMP3. Download it now! (Think of it as a Christmas present)
Merry Christmas
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 am
I’d like to say Merry Christmas to all my visitors. I hope you enjoy yourselves and have a happy new year.
OSPlus goes Open Source!
Filed under: — orudge @ 21/12/2000 12:00 am
OSPlus is being made Open Source! I have decided to release the source code to anyone who wants to use, change fix or help with it. I have set up a project at SourceForge, you can visit it here. I have uploaded the source code to an updated version of the Utility Kit Text Editor and the Disk Imager.
Owen Rudge Proudly Presents…. Microsith Planet Exploder 4.0 for Macintosh
Filed under: — orudge @ 08/12/2000 12:00 am
Over the past couple of days, I’ve spent a bit of time playing with Paint Shop Pro, Basilisk II, vMac and Internet Explorer 4.0 for the Mac. This involved an initial screenshot from Basilisk II, an idea from, some screenshots from vMac, a lot of cutting and pasting, my C drive getting full (PSP filled the TEMP folder with undo history files…), and eventually the finished piece. Have a look and find out more…..
And the November Award Goes To…
Filed under: — orudge @ 02/12/2000 1:00 am
… Nathan’s Toasty Technology Pages. A GUI gallery, some entertaining anti-Microsoft pages (even for a non-anti-Microsofty), some *ahem* very expert technical advice and a load more. Great stuff. Find out more.
Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager Bug Found
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 am
I have discovered a bug in the Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager Rename function. Download a patch to help prevent this bug. Find out more.