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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Transport forums and TT forum merging
Filed under: — orudge @ 27/10/2002 12:00 am
The Transport forums and TT forum will be merging soon to form the Transport Tycoon Forums. This will be an independent forum site where Transport Tycoon fans can meet and discuss the game, get help with problems, and have a general talk about anything. The forums should be up within a week or so – when this happens, the Transport Tycoon forum will be locked and a link will be placed to the new site. Keep checking the site for new developments!
TTDAlter 4.0.8 Beta released
Filed under: — orudge @ 18/10/2002 12:00 am
I have released version 4.0.8 beta of TTDAlter. This is a patch which fixes a saving bug that sometimes occurred with non-English versions of TTD. It is highly recommended that you get this update, which requires TTDAlter 4.0.6 beta. Click here for more information. (In case anyone was wondering, I didn’t jump from version 4.0.6 to 4.0.7, but briefly released version 4.0.7 beta, which half-fixed this problem – I hadn’t had a chance to update the web site though. The next day I discovered the problem still partially existed and so released 4.0.8 beta).
And the September award goes to…
Filed under: — orudge @ 02/10/2002 12:00 am
… TV Home and the accompanying TV Forum. A great site full of UK television idents, and a great set of forums to go with it. Click here for more information. Also, at some point soon, will receive a new design, and will be rebranded as One new feature will be a new download system – I already have two US mirrors and a French mirror. If you could provide a mirror, please e-mail me to discuss the matter. In other news,, a comedy MP3 sharing site, is now part of the Owen Rudge Network. Keep an eye out for future developments.