Archives +-
# | Artist |
1. | John Williams |
2. | Howard Shore |
3. | Sigur Rós |
4. | Danny Elfman |
5. | Franz Ferdinand |
6. | Digital and the Analogues |
7. | Ira Newborn |
8. | KT Tunstall |
9. | Kaiser Chiefs |
10. | Mylo |
11. | Patrick Doyle |
12. | The Killers |
13. | Tim Finn |
14. | 2 Unlimited |
15. | 2Pac feat. Elton John |
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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
At long last, an update!
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/10/2006 4:45 pm
Well, after many months of neglect, I’ve updated my main site a little bit – specifically, I’ve updated the About Me page. Otherwise, I’ve just been generally busy with university and “real life”, as detailed in the blog. The main site will get updated randomly over time, though… honestly!
(Oh, and if you’re reading this on Facebook – or indeed, on Planet Tycoon – and it seems to make no sense, it’s because I import my “Notes” externally from my blog, and my web site’s news stories come from the blog. Yes, I’m a nerd.)
MacBook and Zernebok Radio!
Filed under: — orudge @ 14/10/2006 2:23 pm
I ordered myself a nice shiney new MacBook (white, 1.83GHz Core Duo, 1GB DDR2, 80GB HD), which arrived yesterday. It’s rather nice indeed. I’m currently using it to DJ for Zernebok Radio in fact – listen to the streams at the aformentioned link, or listen to the MP3 stream online here (some DJs only broadcast a Vorbis stream for bandwidth reasons, though). The resurrection of Zernebok Radio has been rather successful, hopefully it will carry on being so good!
Busy busy busy!
Filed under: — orudge @ 04/10/2006 6:29 pm
Well, it’s been a busy few weeks since I last spoke. Freshers week came and went, and I was active on the ents crew running everything for half of the week, and trying to relax for the other half! Then lectures started again and are now starting to get interesting (now that most of the administrative stuff is done with), and I have even more ents stuff to be getting on with soon. As a result, this blog has been neglected a bit, but ah well, that’s normal these days. 😉