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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Hmmm, what to write?
Filed under: — orudge @ 31/08/2004 3:07 pm
Well, I don’t really have anything specific to talk about, so I’ll talk about the weather. It’s nice and sunny outside (and here I am inside updating my blog… ;)). Hmm. I’m going swimming tonight. Hmm.
Oh, I’m still waiting on that Locomotion stuff, if any TT/Loco fans are reading this. (If you are, please post a comment… it’d be interesting to know if anyone bothers reading my ramblings!).
Suggestions for things to write in future updates would be nice too. Oh well, TTFN! ๐
Locomotion section coming soon
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 pm
Back in April, Chris Sawyer announced Locomotion, the “spiritual sequel” to Transport Tycoon Deluxe. I will soon unveil my Locomotion site – keep an eye out for it! For the latest news on Locomotion, visit The Transport Tycoon Forums.
Radio 1 “Ten Hour Takeover”
Filed under: — orudge @ 30/08/2004 3:02 pm
BBC Radio 1 is having what they call a “Ten Hour Takeover” – basically, the listeners are meant to be able to choose the tracks – from anything, however unusual. So, I submitted a couple of unusual tracks, one of which was a Weird Al song – I wonder if they’ll get played? As if… oh well, you never know!
In other news, Steve has more or less completed the basic XHTMLisation of my site. You jolly old readers here won’t see any difference for a while, as I won’t be updating the site until the weekend at least, and even then, you might not see much in the way of differences. ๐
Fun, eh?
Update: Hey, you’ll never guess what, but they did actually play one of my songs – Tenacious D – Tribute! As I said before, fun, eh? ๐
Back at the hostel
Filed under: — orudge @ 29/08/2004 9:10 pm
Oh well, I’m back at the hostel now for another week at school. For those who don’t know, due to where I live, I have to stay on a different island to go to school during the week now, and due to proxy servers, filters, and the like, you more than likely won’t see me on MSN Messenger, IRC, etc. But I’ll try to keep this blog updated whenever I have something to say!
Fun with XHTML
Filed under: — orudge @ 11:58 am
That title reminds me of something… “Fun with Maths”? Fun with something, anyway – which was ironic, as whatever it was wasn’t fun at all. But anyway. [Edit: “Fun with Verbs” (French verbs), that’s what it was!]
Steve^ of #tycoon and Phoenix Scripts has kindly volunteered to XHTMLise my site template (poor fellow, the code’s a right mess), basically because I’m too lazy to do it myself. So, if you still happen to be using Netscape 4.x, Internet Explorer 3.x, or some other ancient browser, it’s perhaps time to upgrade now to be able to continue to view your favourite site in glorious technicolour! ๐
I like technology.
Magical Trevor!
Filed under: — orudge @ 8:10 am
I was pointed towards this little gem (mirror) a few weeks ago – Magical Trevor! It’s about this little magican who sends a cow into a parallel dimension… it really is quite addictive (more addictive even than the domain buying disease!).
Hmm, while I’m talking about funny things, I came across the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, an, er, interesting song about there being a “brave little hobbit whom we all admire” in the “land of the Shire”. The video is rather funny too… starring Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame (bleh, Star Trek… much prefer Star Wars, me).
Hmm, it’s early – ten past nine! I wouldn’t normally be up for a while yet…
Whee, domains!
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/08/2004 9:50 pm
Just registered a nice little domain,, which is where you will find the TT Station in future (it’ll still be accessible from all existing locations, of course). Very cheaply too, thanks to the US dollar losing value in comparison with the pound! I seem to have been buying a few domains recently… maybe it’s a disease? Oh well, perhaps Chris Sawyer or Atari will want to buy off me for millions of pounds/dollars – or maybe not.
I can always hope, eh? ๐
Yarrr! Talk like a pirate!
Filed under: — orudge @ 6:52 pm
Well shiver me timbers! Did you know that 19th September is Talk Like A Pirate Day? No, neither did I, until this morning, when I stumbled across this site this morning, from a topic on tt-forums. The “How To” page is really quite amusing, especially the pirate pick-up lines! ๐
Oh, bloggeration!
Filed under: — orudge @ 4:27 pm
Hmm, trying to integrate this blog with my existing site design. It’s not all that easy. What I have now is an ugly message of HTML and XHTML, along with a smattering of CSS. For the most part, it looks OK, but there are some glitches, and it looks worse than me under the surface… oh well, stay tuned!
Update: Well, here’s the new design… what do you all think? As I say, please ignore the coding… tis not pretty! Anyone want to XHTML-ise my whole site? I could possibly pay you something…
Hmm, a blog!
Filed under: — orudge @ 3:23 pm
Well, welcome all to my new blog!
*watches tumbleweed drift by*
Ah, yes. I see this is going to be fun. Well, as Supreme Ruler of the Universe, I feel it is my duty to let you all know what’s going on in my life. So this may well end up being a place for me to do that. And then again, it might not. Random words ahoy!
Hmm, a blog!
Filed under: — orudge @ 5:00 am
Well, I’ve decided to start a blog… this might end up being a load of rubbish, or it might not. Who knows… check it out, and tell me what you think! I’ll try to keep it fairly regularly updated…