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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Single again
Filed under: — orudge @ 30/09/2004 8:13 pm
Oh well, single again… things didn’t really work out, but never mind. More tomorrow.
October tomorrow
Filed under: — orudge @ 4:46 pm
Hmm, as usual, time flies, and it’s October tomorrow! I saw The Village last night at the cinema (it’s nice having free cinema for a year :)) which was quite good – a bit unusual, and I wasn’t expecting the whole thing to be set when it was, but a fine film nevertheless.
Been working on my short story for English – it’s turning out to be quite a long short story, and will probably be at least 5,000 words long by the end of it. It may also be published on t’Internet (eg, on this site) in the future: keep an eye out for it. 🙂
Unfortunately, my Chemistry appeal didn’t go through, so I’m stuck with a D, which is kind of annoying as I got a C in the prelim. *sigh*
Well, that’s that for today, if I can think of anything else to say, I likely will.
“You’ve Got Mail!”
Filed under: — orudge @ 29/09/2004 10:20 am
Bah, was just sitting here in biology, accessing SCHOLAR and also checking my e-mail… I decided to try openwebmail this time, instead of Horde. All goes well, until the stupid thing shouts “You’ve Got Mail!”, AOL-style, for all to hear (including the teacher). *sigh*
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/09/2004 3:27 pm
Well, one of the DVDs has come through now, only 6 or so more to go… the hostel will be pleased, I sent them all there. 😉
I saw Catwoman last night – it was OK I guess (well, it did have Halle Berry in it… ;)), but not all that good really: it got quite boring by the end. Not a great film, but watchable.
Well, my name isn’t Ken Lamont, so I’m not going to write a 2000 word essay (with a rather incoherant structure) as my blog entry… that’ll do for now. I’m off to check tt-forums, have some dinner, go swimming, print some money and do whatever else I have to do tonight. (Oh, I’ve got that Biology stuff to do, and that French stuff… bleh). TTFN.
Filed under: — orudge @ 27/09/2004 5:03 pm
There has been some of what the matrons are calling “vandalism” here at the hostel, and they’re not very happy about it. Oh well, it wasn’t me. 🙂
On another topic, if you’ve never seen, you’ve been missing out. Stripcreator is a very fun site where you can basically make little comic strips – click here to see mine. Most of them are about tt-forums, so if you don’t know about the forums, you might not understand them. Also check out dominionspy’s comics – they’re very funny. 🙂 If you’ve made a comic, post a comment here, I’d like to see them!
Filed under: — orudge @ 26/09/2004 12:07 am
Came across this site just now in my travels: MusicPlasma – “The Music Visual Search Engine”. Basically, you type in an artist, and it visually links them with other related artists, and so on. Tis quite fun to play with. 🙂
Hmm, talking about music, do you scrobble your audio? (Excuse the bad music in my playlist, it’s not my fault, really. Well, maybe it is.) Audioscrobbler is quite a nice site to play around with too – it basically maintains a record of what you listen to (plug-ins are available for most common media players), and then links you with other users who share your musical tastes. Plenty to play around with there, anyway.
I’m off to bed now. At least, that’s what I’m saying – it sometimes takes a while for me to actually get there.
“A used pink bath robe…”
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/09/2004 11:23 am
… words of wisdom from Weird Al Yankovic’s song eBay. Last night, and over the past few days, I have been spending a bit of money on eBay, mainly on things like DVDs, covering all sorts of things, from Donnie Darko, to Star Wars, to School of Rock, to Monty Python… my PayPal account’s balance is a bit lower than it was a few days ago. 😉
Oh, I’ve reorganised the links on the right a bit now, and added a few more links: check them out.
Quick blog
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/09/2004 7:10 pm
Quick blog entry, as I have to go and do some more lifeguard training (well, bandaging)… will post a fuller blog later, probably. Got back from Birsay, was very good fun. Also added a link to my friend Rich’s blog – check it out, it may interest you, and it may not. Have fun. 🙂
Unexpected blog #2
Filed under: — orudge @ 23/09/2004 8:49 pm
Well, today we did orienteering and archery, twas very fun. And that’s mainly that… don’t have much time to write stuff just now, so I won’t. Won a Monty Python DVD on eBay, paid for that, so that’s good.
And that’s all for today.
An unexpected blog entry!
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/09/2004 9:05 pm
Well, due to some flexible hacking, password guessing, padlock unlocking and other clever stuff, we’ve got access to the Internet from yon Birsay hostel place… well chuffed about that! I may be able to do another blog update tomorrow, if not, it’ll be Friday. Anyway, we did canoeing today, was very good fun, also had a presentation in the evening, very funny. In fact, I’ve not laughed as hard as I did today in ages… mainly due to spilling coffee in the juice and other fun stuff like that. Oh well, me best go… fun that the council are paying for these phone calls though! 🙂
The home computer of the future…
Filed under: — orudge @ 21/09/2004 3:44 pm
That is the so-called “home computer of 2004” (thanks to Grumpy Gamer and John Battelle’s Searchblog for that one), from 1954, apparently. The steering wheel in particular looks like a nice addition… funny that they didn’t turn out to be all that popular in reality, eh?
Major downtime!
Filed under: — orudge @ 2:51 pm
Bleh, major downtime recently… hopefully sorted now, though. Anyway, it was International Talk Like A Pirate Day on Sunday, so I did indeed talk like a pirate, on the boat mainly (of course)… I think I kind of annoyed Bryony, Kirsty, Bethan et al though – they didn’t quite seem to be in the piratey spirit.
I also had my NPLQ lifeguard exam this past weekend, which was mostly fine, apart from a section where I had to bandage some injuries – that was a bit of a disaster, so I’ll be retested on that next week, but if that goes well, then I’m a fully qualified lifeguard! 🙂
I bought the Star Wars Trilogy DVDs yesterday and watched through the documentaries – very good stuff, and the quality of the actual films was very good too, all nice and shiney, and much better than the old VHS copies I have from 1997. (Hmm, they’re seven years old now… time flies, eh?) Not sure I agree with some of the changes made though – specifically, the replacement of Sebastian Shaw’s head with Hayden Christensen’s – I can see why it’s done, for continuity, but it just doesn’t look right, somehow!
Finally, I’ll be away on an outdoor activity “team building” trip from tomorrow morning to Friday afternoon, so unless I decide to try a blog via my phone, I’ll see you all on Friday night!
Lack of bloggage
Filed under: — orudge @ 17/09/2004 8:19 am
Due to the computer rooms being shut at the hostel, and me being busy, I’ve not done that much blogging over the past few days. Oh well. The Google ads are doing very well, I won’t reveal how much they’re bringing in, but it’s a nice little sum. 🙂 I watched Donnie Darko last night… very good film, I wasn’t quite expecting that ending though!
Hmm, anyway, I best get on with what I’m meant to be doing. TTFN!
Filed under: — orudge @ 14/09/2004 3:21 pm
Well, I’ve resorted to sticking more adverts on tt-forums, in the hope of raising at least some money, perhaps. They are Google text-based ads though, so they’re not so bad. I’m not meant to say this really, but as it’s not on the forums, I’ll just hope that Google don’t read my blog… any clicks would be appreciated. 😉
Oh well, I’m off to print some money! Ken will know what I’m talking about…
Guess what the postman brought today…
Filed under: — orudge @ 13/09/2004 4:55 pm
… he (or she) brought Locomotion! 😀 I’ve not had that much time to play it so far, but what I have played has been good. 😀
Short blog update today, not got that much to say really.
Filed under: — orudge @ 12/09/2004 3:00 pm
Welcome to another random edition of “Owen’s Blog”. In the news today:
- Well, I installed Windows Media Player 10 today. It’s faster than the beta, but is still somewhat slower than WMP9 in my opinion, and it’s very blue… too blue. If you try to switch to the WMP9 skin, it gives you the mini skin interface, which I don’t want. Hmm. No doubt Microsoft will try to force WMP 10 down our necks soon enough, so I may as well learn to live with it. I still use WMP 6.4 for playing odd files, and Winamp for my main music needs.
- I am currently listening to the Return of the King soundtrack. Fun, eh?
- I’m hoping Locomotion will arrive tomorrow… was ordered on Friday night, I might be lucky, eh? 🙂
- Been doing a bit more Ogg Vorbisification of my music collection. Some 1,169 Ogg files in C:\MP3s now compared with 315 MP3s. It’s still called “MP3s” for historical reasons, and will likely remain so for evermore…
- Why does it always rain on me?
- YAY! The White Tree has just come on!
- Was at lifeguard training this morning… got my exam next week – if I pass it, I will then be a qualified pool lifeguard. Muahaha, ph34r me!
And that will do for now. All comments to the editor, please, at the usual address.
Server problems
Filed under: — orudge @ 11/09/2004 11:53 am
Adiungo appear to have been having some problems with their USA datacentre recenty, where this blog, the advertisement system, and tt-forums (plus a variety of other sites) are hosted. This is kind of annoying, as it keeps going down… I’ve asked to have my server transferred to the UK datacentre, which appears to be a bit more reliable. We’ll see how things go, I guess.
Road safety
Filed under: — orudge @ 10/09/2004 10:12 pm
Hmm, saw a funny play earlier today at school about safety while driving. Thought it was going to be kak, actually turned out to be quite good.
Got home tonight, back from another week at the hostel… Bryony, a slightly annoying but generally nice enough girl (who we give a lift home from the boat) decided to inform my dad on all the “gory details” regarding Clazz and I (in case you hadn’t noticed, I have a girlfriend now – yes, really! – and I like her very much. Woof!). Bryony then decided she was going to invite Clazz out to the island, to my house indeed, next weekend. Not that I have any say in the matter. (I mean, I’m not against her coming to stay, far from it… it’s just I’d like to at least have some ‘control’ over the situation!). Hmm, yes.
Got a sort of biology test on Monday – well, got an essay we’re meant to write without books or anything, in class. Guess I best learn it. *sigh*
Well, that’s that for the night. Oh, and I ordered Locomotion! Should arrive Monday, I hope! 😀 Oh, and going to visit Clazz down on her island on Wednesday, should be fun! 🙂
I’m a real boy! (private joke, no, not THAT kind of private joke!)
Un article en français…
Filed under: — orudge @ 09/09/2004 3:09 pm
J’ai decidé de écrire cet article en français, parce que… eh, parce que j’aime parler français. Oui.
Hmm, well, that’ll do for now. Anyway, had an interesting day today, some of it boring, some of it kind of fun. Clazz was busy at breaktime and I was busy at lunchtime though so I didn’t get to see her much today… oh well, there’s always tomorrow. 🙂 But then it’s the weekend, and she’s on a different island to me. *sigh*
Oh well, there’s always Locomotion. 😀
Wahey! That was fun…
Filed under: — orudge @ 08/09/2004 4:47 pm
That was a fun afternoon. 😉 Nice and sunny outside. Yes.
Locomotion is out, depending on where you live. I’ve not got it yet, but I should do soon… the demo is very fun indeed. 🙂
Oh well, I’m going to go and check the forums, and then go and watch some TV or something. Can’t wait until tomorrow! (Not often I say that, at least in relation to school). TTFN.