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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Indiana Jones
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/05/2008 1:33 am
Indiana Jones was rather good fun. Cinema did a midnight premiere type thing, place was packed out. Had the good ol’ audience spirit that previous late night showings of the classic films had. Film itself was very good, I thought – despite his age, Harrison Ford did a pretty decent job. Anyway, I’m off to sleep, so apologies for the short review. Go out and see the film.
Now, I just have to hope that my flight is still going tomorrow, despite this silly French strike. They had to choose the day we’re flying out to Paris to strike…
Exams, Paris, and Summer of Code
Filed under: — orudge @ 17/05/2008 8:51 pm
Well, a week on Monday is the official start date for coding for Google Summer of Code, and people are getting excited about it. Unfortunately, I still have exams to get out of the way first before I can start work on the project properly, but I’m looking forward to it – hopefully I can make Wine a bit more friendly for users to configure!
As for exams, had the first one today, Data Communication and Networks – it seemed to go fairly well, particularly with the fact one of the questions was literally taken from a piece of coursework we did a week ago, and another one was an essay question based on presentations we did earlier in the semester, which really was a gift. Of course, I’ll have to wait until the results come out before I know for sure. Logic exam on Tuesday – not looking forward to that one quite so much. Operating Systems is my last exam on Wednesday, which I think should go reasonably well. Then on Wednesday night (well, Thursday morning, at midnight), I will hopefully be off to see the new Indiana Jones movie – certain reviews on the Internet claim it’s not all that marvellous, but I’m thinking it’ll be good fun, even if it’s not all that fantastic as a film. After all, the Star Wars prequels weren’t that fantastic, but they were still good fun by and large. The late night showing of the classic Indiana Jones films were always fun at the cinema here in St Andrews, so hopefully the midnight screening of this will have a similar atmosphere.
Finally, after all that, I’m off to Paris for a few days. I’ve been to Paris before, back in 2001 when I was in secondary school, but it’ll be nice to go there independently (heading with a friend, as opposed to as part of a school trip), and actually be able to use my French – after all, I’ve studied it for some seven years or so, but never actually used it properly in France! The weather ought to be a bit nicer than last time, too, as it was February when I headed off in 2001 (and we nearly didn’t get there, due to snow in Orkney). I get back from Paris a week on Tuesday, and then I’ll be cracking on with Summer of Code, getting dirty with the Win32 shell internals. Great fun. 😀
Aww, still in Memphis
Filed under: — orudge @ 15/05/2008 12:35 pm
With reference to xkcd #281. Of course, it’s technically not in Memphis any more, but anyway…