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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Updates on my life, and survey
Filed under: — orudge @ 05/09/2005 9:34 pm
I did another one of those silly e-mail forwards today, which I was just about to post when I thought I hadn’t posted anything much on here for a while. But does that mean I have nothing to say? I thought about it, and I will now start a rambling blog about recent happenings, before posting this survey thing. Right. Currently listening to the main titles of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack – saw that film the other day, as I will explain.
Right, well, what have I been doing here in Wales-land? Went to visit my mum in mid-Wales for most of last week, that was quite good. Among other things went shopping and got some new clothes and so on for uni, which is no bad thing! Also, the weather was really nice, which was great, since it had been pretty miserable up in Orkney! Then, after that, came back home for a day, before heading off again, this time to Ann’s for her 20th on Saturday, in an exciting little town in Lancashire. Much fun was had, and various amusing/embarassing/random photos and videos were taken, which you can see in the photo gallery. (The last blog here was posted when at Ann’s, if you were wondering about it). Did see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on the Friday night, as I say… my mini-review of that: I thought it was a good film on its own, or if you hadn’t seen the earlier film or read the book, but I personally prefer the older film in many ways. (Spoilers follow) There are some nice things I liked about the new film, such as Wonka’s humour, although I’m not sure that’s how I’d imagine Wonka to be personally. The new songs are nice, but I wasn’t too keen on them. And the whole Wonka family storyline seemed a bit out of place to me. But then, I used to watch the old film every Christmas, so I’ve just seen that one too much, I think. 😉
Anyway, a very nice time was had at Ann’s, and that is basically what I’ve been up to since leaving Orkney. Having a 2Mbps ADSL connection is rather nice too, what with my brother and I having used some 45GB of bandwidth in the past 11 days… having Freeview and a digital capture card on my computer is also nice, although most of the channels are pretty uninteresting! So yes, that’s that.
More news now, I’ve got my accommodation for St Andrews back, and I’m staying in Albany Park, house 22! Albany is pretty cheap at least compared to the other halls, so more money for other stuff! The freshers guide for Albany looks pretty good too, as does the overall orientation week programme. I’m looking forward to it! 😀
Oh, and that survey… click the “more” link to view it, if you haven’t already. 🙂
Mark an ‘X’ in each box of what you’ve done in the past.
[ ] smoked a cigarette
[ ] smoked a cigar
[ ] smoked anything else
[ ] made out with a member of the same sex
[ ] crashed a friend’s car
[ish] been in love
[ ] been dumped
[ ] shoplifted
[ ] been fired
[ ] been in a fist fight
[ ] snuck out of parent’s house
[x] had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back
[ ] made out with a stranger
[ ] gone on a blind date
[x] lied to a friend
[x] had a crush on a teacher
[ ] skipped school
[ ] slept with a co-worker
[ ] seen someone die
[x] had/have a crush on one of your friends
[ ] been to Canada
[ ] been to mexico
[x] been on a plane
[ ] thrown up in a bar
[ ] been snowboarding
[x] met someone from off the net
[ ] been moshing at a concert
[ ] been in an abusive relationship
[x] taken painkillers
[ish] love someone right now
[x] laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
[ ] made a snow angel???
[ ] had a tea party
[x] flown a kite
[x] built a sand castle
[x] gone puddle jumping
[x] played dress up
[x] jumped into a pile of leaves
[x] gone sledding
[x] cheated while playing a game
[x] been lonely
[x] fallen asleep at work/school
[ ] used a fake ID
[x] watched the sun set
[ ] felt an earthquake
[x] touched a snake
[x] been tickled
[ ] been robbed
[ ] robbed someone
[x] been misunderstood
[x] pet a reindeer/goat
[x] won a contest
[ ] been suspended from school
[ ] had detention
[ ] been in a car accident
[ ] had braces
[ ] eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[x] had deja vu
[ ] danced in the moonlight
[x] hated the way you look
[ ] witnessed a crime
[ ] pole danced
[ ] questioned your heart
[ ] been obsessed with post-it notes
[ ] squished barefoot through the mud
[x] been lost
[x] been to the opposite side of the country
[x] swam in the ocean
[ ] felt like dying
[ish] cried yourself to sleep
[x] played cops and robbers
[ ] recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
[x] sung karaoke
[x] paid for a meal with only coins
[x] done something you told yourself you wouldn’t
[ ] made prank phone calls
[x] laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
[x] caught a snowflake on your tongue
[ ] kissed in the rain
[x] written a letter to santa claus
[ ] been kissed under a mistletoe
[ ] watched the sun set with someone you care about
[x] blown bubbles
[ ] crashed a party
[ ] have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people
[x] gone rollerskating/blading
[x] had a wish come true
[ ] humped a monkey
[ ] worn pearls
[ ] jumped off a bridge
[ ] screamed “penis” in class
[ ] ate dog food
[ ] told a complete stranger you loved them
[x] sang in the shower
[ ] have/had a little black dress
[ ] had a dream that you married someone
[ ] glued your hand to something
[ ] got your toungue stuck to a pole
[ ] kissed a fish
[x] worn the opposite sexes clothes
[ ] been a cheerleader
[x] sat on a roof top
[ ] had sex at a church
[x] screamed at the top of your lungs
[ ] done a one-handed cartwheel
[ ] talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
[x] stayed up all night
[x] didnt take a shower for a week
[ ] pick and ate an apple right off the tree
[x] climbed a tree
[ ] had a tree house
[ ] are scared to watch scary movies alone
[ ] believe in ghosts
[ ] have more then 30 pairs of shoes
[ ] worn a really ugly outfit to school
[ ] gone streaking
[ ] played chicken fight
[ ] been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
[ ] been told you’re hot by a complete stranger
[ ] broken a bone
[x] been easily amused
[ ] caught a fish then ate it
[ ] made porn
[x] caught a butterfly
[x] laughed so hard you cried
[ ] cried so hard you laughed
[ish] mooned/flashed someone
[x] had someone moon/flash you
[x] cheated on a test
[x] forgotten someone’s name
[x] slept naked
[ ] French braided someones hair
[ ] gone skinny dipping in a pool
[ ] been kicked out of your house
The end. 🙂
woooo was a nice weekend! thanks for coming!
Comment by Ann — 06/09/2005 @ 12:59 am
Will you also have to go through something embarassing as a newbie at the uni? (I forgot the actual word)
If yes: I’m looking forward to your time at uni, too
Comment by GoneWacko — 08/09/2005 @ 10:59 am
Ehm, well, there’s Raisin Weeekend in November, where Ann dresses me as…. something… and we all have a giant foam fight. No doubt there will be other opportunities for embarrassment too…
Comment by orudge — 08/09/2005 @ 11:30 am