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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
WordPress 2.0
Filed under: — orudge @ 30/12/2005 9:00 pm
Well, WordPress 2.0 has been released, and I’ve just upgraded the blog now… seems to be working quite nicely. Has a number of nice new features for me behind-the-scenes, you probably won’t notice any difference as a user though. ๐
On another note, Aegir has created a small page called “Planet Tycoon” which basically contains live blogfeeds from the blogs of various members of tt-forums, including yours truly’s. So now you know.
Planet Tycoon reaches my blog too! So there! Mwahahahaha!
Comment by Born Acorn — 30/12/2005 @ 9:21 pm
And mine! ๐ฎ
And I reverted back to 1.5.2 because, as you say, the only changes are in the background, and the ones I saw so far all sucked ๐
Comment by GoneWacko — 30/12/2005 @ 9:37 pm
I’m thinking the new spam filtering system should be very nice indeed, though. So far so good, anyway. ๐
Comment by orudge — 30/12/2005 @ 9:39 pm
As said; I have not had any problems with spam in the first place.
Comment by GoneWacko — 31/12/2005 @ 12:44 pm
Maybe that’s because nobody knows about your site. Muahahahaha!
“Akismet has caught 23 for you since you installed it.”
Isn’t that nice of it? Isn’t it?
Comment by orudge — 31/12/2005 @ 1:55 pm
Spam filter? How awso me. Sounds like a lot of scripting for no reason, really ๐ My blog does it nice and simple, you have to enter a numeric code. That’s all. No spambots gets trough that. Other then that, my blogs comment system sucks arse…
Comment by ThorRune — 01/01/2006 @ 5:34 pm
“No spambots gets trough that.”
They seem to manage it quite well with my guestbook, which has various anti-spam mechanisms. Makes me wonder if there are actually real people doing this sort of stuff out there…
Perhaps I could hook my guestbook up to Akismet somehow. That’s be nice.
Comment by orudge — 01/01/2006 @ 5:42 pm
Your goestbook asks what colour the sky is… I’m not particularliy doubtfulll to that whoever made the bots made them compatible with that guestbook software, i’m sure it’s a much used one.
Comment by ThorRune — 02/01/2006 @ 7:53 am
Well, I slight doubt it. But, meh.
Comment by orudge — 02/01/2006 @ 10:16 am