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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Driving test
Filed under: — orudge @ 15/06/2006 3:38 pm
Well, I had my driving test just now, and I failed. Was on a crossroads, and I’d stopped to turn right. There were cars coming from the right though, and I let out one that I wasn’t meant to (I had priority), and cars were building up behind, and managed to get a major for that. Sigh, it’s a bit annoying as everything else was basically fine, my manoeuvres were fine, but what can you do, eh? Also annoying is that it’ll be a couple of months before I can take it again due to my travels. Ah well, so be it. America on Saturday. 😀
Ah yes. Took a while for it to make sense to me. Turning shouldn’t interfere with traffic coming from the right. But obviously, the UK drives on the WRONG side of the road.
Comment by GoneWacko — 15/06/2006 @ 8:32 pm
Um, no, we drive on the correct side of the road, not the right side of the road. 😉
But basically, I had right of way, and they didn’t, but I waited to let one of them through, which the examiner told me was wrong. Sigh.
Comment by orudge — 15/06/2006 @ 8:46 pm
test booked for 25th july
note to self: be a mean bastard…
though it does depend on the junction, as sometimes if you don’t give way you’ll block someone trying to emerge from the junction….(as there’s some idiot parked right on the junction…)
Comment by John — 16/06/2006 @ 5:36 pm
Don’t talk to me about driving tests… I have a nasty habit of failing them…
Comment by Tom — 24/06/2006 @ 11:24 am