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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Back in the UK, at last!
Filed under: — orudge @ 13/08/2006 12:04 am
Well, yesterday I got back to the UK, finally. Set off from Recife on Wednesday evening, fine – got to Lisbon a little bit late, but caught my flight to Frankfurt, fine. Walked about half a mile to a different terminal in Frankfurt, fine. Went through security, and the guy noticed I was flying to London, and informed me that “Heathrow is closed”. Hmm, odd, I thought. Turns out my flight was cancelled, so I spent about an hour at least in one queue, before being told to go to another queue. Spent a bit longer in there, and finally got my ticket changed for a later flight, in “standby” mode – basically, if there’s a seat free, I may get it. It’s a bit of a lottery, really. Didn’t get onto two flights, but the third one (which was the latest flight I could possibly get if I was to still make my train) I did get on to! Hurrah! All I had to worry about now was getting my bags, finding the station, getting my ticket which should have been faxed through and getting on the train. Of course, Lufthansa forgot to stick my bag on the plane, so I had to come back at 10pm, or they’d send it up to me. By that time, I was barely going to make my train, if at all, so I figured I may as well just stay at the airport. My bag did come through on the next flight, thankfully, so I spent an uncomfortable night in the arrivals lounge, before heading down to the Tube station at 5.45am to catch the train from Kings Cross. After spending £80 on a ticket (and that was WITH a railcard), got on the train, and finally got home. Bit annoying though, I’m going to look into the terms of my insurance policy to see if it may cover this at all.
Anyway, long story short, I’m back home, for now. Got a trip to Rome in a couple of weeks for a week, but otherwise, I’m here in St Andrews until, well, next summer. It’s kind of good to be back, except, of course, my hard disk had just died before I set off to Brazil, so I’m in the process of reinstalling my main PC. It lets me clear out a load of junk, I suppose.
When in Brazil, I took a load of photos, as usual, and maintained a sort of ‘diary’. I’ll post this up in the coming days.
Glad you got back safely (I won’t say glad you had a good journey :mrgreen:) Going by past experience, you’ll probably have about 1000 pictures to upload! Anyway I’ll look forward to seeing everything. I’m off out now, need more exercise!
Comment by Martin — 13/08/2006 @ 12:44 pm
I did see everything, very nice. Bit of a contrast to here at the moment as well, it’s never stopped raining today! 🙂
Comment by Martin — 02/09/2006 @ 1:13 pm