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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Christmas Eve
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/12/2006 9:30 pm
Well, it’s Christmas Eve. Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas to all.
Christmas madness!
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/12/2006 10:51 pm
It’s nearly Christmas, where did the time go? The past few weeks have been suitably insane, as usual. Had my French oral exam in the last week, as well as my driving test – the former went well, the latter went extremely well until the very last minute, when I managed to mess up the gears (not a fail in itself) when approaching some traffic lights, but the lights went red when I got myself sorted out, and the examiner thought I was going to drive through them, so put his foot down. 🙁 Oh well, such is life. Had various other things such as the KK panto and the comedy, which went well, and now attempting to relax a bit more. Life is pretty good right now for various reasons, and I’m lookin forward to the New Year!
Foxamp 0.3.7 (for Firefox 2.0) released
Filed under: — orudge @ 10:48 pm
I’ve finally released an update to Foxamp (which had been sitting on my hard disk for a couple of months, sorry!) which enables support for Firefox 2.0. It will work for all Firefox 2.0.x versions. Download it here.
December already!
Filed under: — orudge @ 08/12/2006 1:42 am
Time really does fly… I could have sworn it was only September a month or two ago. As usual, things have been suitably mad here… it’s now a week and a day until the Christmas holidays. Next week is going to be a busy week for me – in fact, starting from Saturday it’ll be busy. Let’s see…
- Saturday: Ents Christmas dinner in the afternoon, then Caroline’s birthday party in the evening
- Sunday: Setting up for the KK panto from 10am (urgh), then the Christmas ball in the evening.
- Monday: The usual classes, tutorials, etc.
- Tuesday: French oral exam, plus more of the usual classes, etc. In the evening, panto (I’m sound engineering it)
- Wednesday: Comp sci practical, panto in the late afternoon/early evening, comedy in the later evening (sound again)
- Thursday: CS2001 tutorial, almost immediately followed by my driving test, followed by another tutorial! Rocksoc in the evening hopefully.
- Friday: Finishing off practical if I haven’t managed to do so by this time. Then… phew! Can relax and go to the bop!
- Saturday: Union staff Christmas party. Should be a good laugh!
So, as you can see, a busy week ahead of me… then it’s Christmas and all the excitement that will bring (not much, I guess I’ll get to play AoE 3: War Chiefs and some Transport Tycoon), then it’ll be New Year, and then exams! Scary beans. My exams are at least spaced out with at least a day between each. Then… it’s off to Canada, and the US. No wonder I never have any money.