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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Lack of bloggage
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/05/2007 12:23 am
Hmm, I haven’t blogged as much as desired in recent months, or maybe even years. However, I’ve just been having a read through some old entries, such as:
- My trip to St Andrews in summer 2005 – my first real taste of St Andrews, fun was had.
- Freshers week 2005 (ie, my freshers week)
My own freshers week feels like so long ago now. I’m half way through my degree now, and in theory, this coming year I’ll be an academic parent. How did time go past so quickly, eh? I kind of miss the days of my freshers week – reasonably carefree, not all that much pressure, going out a lot and having fun. Don’t tend to do quite so much of that these days. I still tend to have a good time, although I am working a lot more of course, and am often busy with other things such as Ents. And, of course, people move on too – a number of people I know at the moment will be leaving this year. September will bring new freshers though, they’d better be good ones. 😉 But reading those blogs brings back memories… “the way things were”, and suchlike.
Anyway, back to the present. Exams have been and gone. My exams took place last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (it would have been nice to have had a day or two between each one, but oh well, they’re finished now). I think they went reasonably well, and I hope my marks should be fairly decent. Results in a couple of weeks, so we’ll see then, I guess! I did my Pas Plus driver training on Thursday and Friday, which involved two three-hour lessons in various driving conditions, etc. That seemed to go alright, although it was a bit odd being back in Bill’s car having been driving my own around for quite a while now! On Saturday, we had a bonfire on the beach, although I left after a bit to go to Rocksoc with Caroline, and when we came back everyone had gone! A fun night was had though. As for now, I’m slowly getting things packed up. Helping Silvia move her stuff tomorrow, and storing some of my stuff at her house over the summer (non-essential things, etc, plus my bike). Then I’ll be heading off myself on Thursday probably. Grandad’s birthday on Friday, and Tom’s heading towards Grandad’s on Friday I think for the weekend, so we’re going to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in Wrexham at the weekend.
I’m considering a redesign of over the summer. I have a basic theme I may work on – will see if I think it suits or not. It’ll be all nice and XHTML-compliant, too, instead of this site which, while vastly better than the previous site, is still not perfect. Other than that, I have some STAR FM stuff to do over the summer (IT/Tech team work), and ideally would like to find some sort of employment down in North Wales. Something vaguely interesting would be good, although I guess some menial work in Tesco or something would do. Basically, I could do with earning a bit of money this summer. Ideally I’d like to go to Brazil to see Dad, if I have the money – but that requires earning said money, as described before.
Oh well, that’s you lot updated on things. I’ll see if I can keep this a bit more up-to-date over the summer, not that there’s likely to be too much to blog about!
I’m zé first to post! 😛
Hhhanyway, I miss the beginning of my first year too! *wahwah*
Comment by DeViLSG — 22/05/2007 @ 12:28 am