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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Filed under: — orudge @ 16/12/2004 3:59 pm
It’s Thursday afternoon, and that means it’s practically pitch black and raining! Every Thursday, I sit in French, look out of the window, and it’s dark and rainy. Claudia usually then comments on the rain, and it’s all very depressing. 🙁
Tonight’s task: finish my English Specialist Study, to be handed in tomorrow. How this task will go, we will see.
This time next week I’ll be on holiday (as in school holidays, not on holiday away somewhere). 🙂 Roll on next Wednesday!
Aroond’n’Aboot launch
Filed under: — orudge @ 15/12/2004 10:18 pm
Well, the launch of Aroond’n’Aboot went well. I was the general technician of the whole thing, so was responsible for the projector and also for filming the event. I think I did a reasonable job of both, and the event itself went quite well. I think this is the longest time I’ve ever spent in a school in a single day – from 8.30am to around 9pm, minus an hour for dinner. Anyway, I have to go and do some work now… adios!
Christmas presents!
Filed under: — orudge @ 11:52 am
I’ve not got any Christmas presents yet… hmm, strange that. Online (eg, donations) or offline, any are appreciated. Oh well, maybe later. In biology though, so best go, eh?
Proper Crimbo!
Filed under: — orudge @ 14/12/2004 7:25 pm
We just had Christmas dinner today in the hostel… was quite fun! Slightly scary at times, but generally fun. Decided to skip swimming tonight, thought it might not be too wise today!
We have the Aroond’n’Aboot launch night tomorrow. We basically have to stay all day at school until around 8pm or later (when I’d usually leave at about 1pm after lunch, free period last period, and it’s a short day because of a Wednesday) – we need to have the games finished tomorrow. I also have to knock up a PowerPoint presentation tonight, and also get the profiles thing for the web site finished. It looks like I have responsibility for filming this event tomorrow night. It might be fun – the game itself isn’t actually that unfun – we’ll see. Hmm, also have to finish my Specialist Study – done some 3,000 words, have 1,500 more to go. Have until Friday now though, instead of Thursday.
Ken told me about some site today with some weird quotes on, such as “Elvis is making a comeback… he’s already come three feet” (or words to that effect, might have misquoted them). This was then followed by generally lame jokes about Lord of the Rings, bees (what’s twelve inches long and buzzes? A very long bee. Kudos to Tombe on the forums for that one) and other interesting things. Can’t actually remember the site it’s on though, I wrote it down so will look at it at some point.
The ROTK: EE DVDs are very good, not got through all the extended stuff yet, but what I’ve seen so far I’ve liked. Very interesting, also quite sad at “the passing of an era” (well, the end of the LOTR films, anyway. Roll on “The Hobbit”!)
Hmm, I notice Zernebok still rules supreme. Or the Supreme Ruler still rules Zernebok. Something like that. Talking about Zernebok, how does “Zernebok, Inc.” sound as a company name? You never know… it could happen.
Well, that’s quite a long blog for today, yesterday and so on. Merry Christmas all, and don’t eat too much pie. Or spam. Unless you’re listening to a certain Weird Al song…
What to write?
Filed under: — orudge @ 12/12/2004 8:46 pm
I don’t know what to write. I’m going to supper.
(This was an official message from the Waste of Space Society™)
Filed under: — orudge @ 10/12/2004 10:42 pm
Guess what I bought today? The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Extended Edition) DVD. Just going to watch it now, the main film is some four hours long, and then there be another twenty hours or so of special features! 😉
“A rare mint snow globe”
Filed under: — orudge @ 09/12/2004 6:32 pm
Just ordered a USB 2.0/Firewire PCMCIA card for my laptop… planning on selling my network card to Matt as it’s practically new, and it’d save him having to get one from OTE. Then I’ll get a new USB 2.0 one off eBay (there’s one that’s at £5 or so at the moment, got a few hours yet though so we’ll see what happens). Got a week yet to do my Specialist Study, got about half of it done so far… 2,500 words out of about 4,500. Oh well, it’s not looking so bad, got badminton tonight too. TTFN.
Stuff getting done, eventually
Filed under: — orudge @ 08/12/2004 3:58 pm
Well, stuff is getting done, slowly but surely. The board for Aroond’n’Aboot is basically finished, now we just have to print and make the things. Still got to finish my Specialist Study for English, and so on. Got a French essay to do for tomorrow too, and no doubt other exciting things. Have fun.
“I pre-h-e-h-e-h-esss the bu-haha-ton!”
Filed under: — orudge @ 07/12/2004 8:17 pm
Anyone who can get the title and artist of today’s lyrics will get a £10 gift voucher from me. Really.
More YE stuff to be done… did some work on the board, it’s looking quite good now, got most of the logos too. Need to rotate a load of them though, but we’ll see how it goes. Other stuff needs doing, like that History essay, that English thing, that other English thing, and all of that stuff. I have a History test next Monday, which should be fun, and other fun stuff. I’m just writing rubbish now. Good night, tout le monde.
Filed under: — orudge @ 06/12/2004 3:56 pm
I am getting rather urinated off at the JervHost server filling up! This causes problems as no new e-mail gets in, as well as other things… generally, a server with a totally full HD is not a good thing. I’ll likely move over to the good old Zernebok soon, but I haven’t quite gotten (ugh, what an American word) around to that yet.
Just been buying a few Christmas presents, which is rather unusual for me. Obviously, I didn’t spend much on them though, and it has been quite a good week financially, so it’s maybe not so bad. Anyway, I’m off, things to do. Ta ta.
Real music?
Filed under: — orudge @ 05/12/2004 8:08 pm
What would you call real music? Do you think Weird Al’s songs are not “real music” because they’re funny, or silly? Ken was arguing that his songs – even his non-parodies – aren’t real for these reasons, which doesn’t quite make sense to me. Not usual, perhaps, but they’re still “real”. That’s my opinion anyway.
Another argument we’ve been having is that of Lord of the Rings: one book, three books, six books, or what? My position was that it’s a single book, as in a single narrative, story, etc. The most common form of publishing for LOTR is three volumes, but that doesn’t mean that it’s three books. Technically, it’s six books, usually printed as three volumes, but being one narrative. *sigh*
I need some sleep. I also have to write a radio play for… tomorrow. Hmm. :/
General not-had-time-to-blog-type blog
Filed under: — orudge @ 04/12/2004 11:58 pm
Well, this is a general “I’ve-not-had-time-to-blog” type of blog, as I’ve not really had time to blog today, or just never got around to it. Was lifeguarding with Kirsty today, she’s as weird as ever. 😉 Doing it next week too to cover for someone else, so I’ll basically be lifeguarding three weeks in a row but then should get three weeks off, if I’m not mistaken. So that’s OK.
Still got loads of stuff to do for school, etc, so best get it done sometime. Hmm, Weird Al Yankovic – Phony Calls is currently playing from the speakers, and I’m currently working on a web-based TTDAlter translation system, or trying to. PHP isn’t liking some of thus Unicode stuff. :/ Oh well, ttfn.
New category!
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:02 am
I’ve created a new category here in the old blog, “Interesting Sites”. In this category goes, wait for it…. interesting sites, as and when I find them. So if you’re interested in that then, well, that’s there.
I finally sent off my UCAS application today – well, sent it to my guidance teacher, who will then write a reference and finally send it off to UCAS. I’m applying to St. Andrews, Heriot-Watt, Napier, Abertay and Robert Gorden, to do Computer Science, apart from St. Andrews, where I’m wanting to do Computer Science with French. Hopefully I’ll get some offers sometime soon! 🙂
Having adopted Mozilla Firefox as my main browser and also my browser at school/the hostel (in the form of Portable Firefox running off a USB drive), I’ve today been playing around with Thunderbird, which I am thinking of moving to. I have some 160,000 e-mails though, so I want to be sure I’ll like it. So far, it seems nice enough… perhaps when it hits 1.0, which doesn’t look as if it’ll be that far away, I’ll migrate then. Hurrah for the Mozilla project!
Maxine Carr?
Filed under: — orudge @ 02/12/2004 3:59 pm
There are rumours going around school that Maxine Carr, the girlfriend of Ian Huntley (who killed those two girls a couple of years ago), is meant to be moving to Sanday, the island I live on. No idea if there’s any truth in these rumours, but it could prove interesting.
In other news… well, there isn’t much other news. I’ve got the old Effigy stuff to get on with, as well as general French, English, etc, etc, stuff to do. So best get on with that, then.
Filed under: — orudge @ 01/12/2004 7:51 pm
It’s December today… I still want to know what happened to the rest of the year. Oh well. Just downloading some stuff right now and reinstalling software on a computer… fun stuff, eh? 🙂
Rather busy!
Filed under: — orudge @ 30/11/2004 4:45 pm
Hmm, I’m still rather busy with… everything, really. It’s quite annoying. Got stuff to do for Young Enterprise, for English, for French, soon for History, probably for Biology soon. Also got to do a newsletter for the hostel residents council. Oh well, I’ll get through it all, eventually.
It’s December tomorrow. What happened to November? And October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February and January for that matter? Oh well, it’ll be 2005 soon, a new year, bringing with it new opportunities and prospects, and a new place to live. Should be interesting to see how that goes.
And that, my friends, is that, for now. Except for one thing… Mr Gary, Mr Ken… I, um, “enjoyed” your blog comments earlier. Most amusing. 😛
PS: OneNote is still for sale if anyone wants it. At the moment, it’s only £1.04. Grab a bargain! 😀
Filed under: — orudge @ 29/11/2004 6:10 pm
Monday today, and I have a load of work to do, as usual. I was thinking of going to see “Alien vs Predator” tonight, but I don’t think I actually will, due to this pile of work. Oh, that reminds me of something else I have to do, must send an e-mail off to someone to find out something. Cryptic, yes, but it’s necessary. 😉
What else… not a lot, really. I’m tired.
Anyone want a copy of OneNote?
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/11/2004 2:55 pm
Anyone here wanting a copy of Microsoft OneNote 2003, for whatever reason? Clickity-click.
OK, advertising over, I saw “The Dracula Spectacular” last night, a play put on by Sanday School. It was actually rather good, and definitely the most technologically-advanced performance put on by Sanday School. Takes me back to the times I took part in plays there… “Songs of Sanday”, the Noah thing we did in 1997(?) and even “Dinosaurs At Large” all those years ago… happy times.
The issues with the mail server have finally been solved on Zernebok, I think. If anyone has any problems, just let me know.
And that, my friends, is that.
More blog spam!
Filed under: — orudge @ 26/11/2004 8:13 pm
Bleh, the blog comment spam keeps on coming. I’ve set up various filters so much of it never actually gets to your screen, but it gets to my inbox, and to my moderation page! Some of it does manage to get through. I take it none of you are interested in playing poker online or getting various types of dodgy-looking drugs? If you are, then just go to www…. oh, wait, maybe not.
Yes. Well, anyway, I’m going to reconnect as my ISP is being silly again and isn’t giving any response when I try to visit various sites. Have fun everyone. 🙂
Blog en français!
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/11/2004 6:48 pm
Will post a blog later, possibly in French. French Windows is quite interesting!