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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Jingle bells
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/11/2004 11:30 am
Hmm, it’s December in 6 days or so. Six days! What happened to November, that’s what I want to know… anyway, I’ve got to stick the company logos onto the Aroond’n’Aboot board later on, and e-mail that to Jill, and then print off some money onto coloured paper (which I need to obtain from somewhere). It’s all good fun really. Clarissa is dying of laughter next to me because of sporks and drains… just don’t ask. Claudia is trying to divide something 5000 times instead of 3, and Abigail is, well, being Abigail. This biology class is totally barmey.
I need help.
wot do u mean im bein abigail? thats rude u click! (tats a c l not a d!)
Comment by Abigail — 24/11/2004 @ 11:33 am
Yes, isn’t it obvious? Silly Abigail. I’m sure Clarissa and possibly even Claudia know what I mean.
Hmm, I’m slightly annoyed that Orkney Schools has now gone and banned Google adverts from appearing… they’re quite harmless, unlike most adverts, and bring in decent revenue to honest advertisers! Bleh.
Comment by Owen Rudge — 24/11/2004 @ 11:35 am
do u care about nefin apart fae makin money? i mean, u even charge me 4 cds which u neva used 2 do!
Comment by Abigail — 24/11/2004 @ 11:36 am
Yes I did. Anyway, it costs me to make the CDs – I have to buy the blank CDs (and since I get them in cases locally, rather than in bulk off the Internet without cases) that costs about 50p. Then I pay to actually download the songs – for an album, this can be a fair bit. Then it takes some time to actually download them when I could be doing other things. The phone bill needs paying too. A lot more goes on behind the scenes with this CD downloading than you think. Silly girl. Oh, those last two CDs were meant to be £2.50 each, not £1 as you gave me. Since it’s you, you can have them for £1.50 each, but you still owe me a pound there. Then there was something else – a sandwich for £1 you still owe me money for.
Comment by Owen Rudge — 24/11/2004 @ 11:39 am
no1 you sed i could hav them 4 a pound so tat is all im payin u1 n i only get money 4 sandwiches off u wen i can pay u bak right afta skool so i hav paid u! so bleh!
Comment by Abigail — 24/11/2004 @ 11:41 am
And it’s not drain, it’s DRAN! You spork.
Comment by Clazz — 24/11/2004 @ 11:42 am
No, I didn’t, and no, you didn’t. Listen, I am extremely sad and write down every little thing I spend – or am meant to get – money for, and have done so for over a year. I could tell you that I found 2p down the street on the 21st September 2003 if you wanted to know that. So you DO owe me money, an d I WOULD like it please. Best go now…
Comment by Owen Rudge — 24/11/2004 @ 11:47 am
Well … maybe you should tutor Claudia one-to-one .,, give you plenty of opportunity to tell her how you feel before it is too late … she might give you a nice Christmas present! 😛
Comment by Samuel — 24/11/2004 @ 12:59 pm
Comment by kethen kickin the muther fuckin walls down — 24/11/2004 @ 2:17 pm
Hmm, where is Ken right now?
Comment by Owen Rudge — 24/11/2004 @ 2:21 pm