Archives +-
# | Artist |
1. | Howard Shore |
2. | John Williams |
3. | Karl Jenkins |
4. | Hans Zimmer |
5. | Weird Al Yankovic |
6. | Kasabian |
7. | iLiKETRAINS |
8. | Mike Oldfield |
9. | Ludovico Einaudi |
10. | No Doubt |
11. | Placebo |
12. | ATB |
13. | Faithless |
14. | Gilbert & Sullivan |
15. | Orbital |
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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Welcome to the new look!
Filed under: — orudge @ 16/06/2007 3:29 pm
Well, if you visited the blog yesterday, you’ll have seen the new look, which has now been rolled out to the rest of! (Except the guestbook, which I intend to bring back from the dead soon, and the photo gallery, which I’m working on). The new look is a lot cleaner and generally more pleasant than the old site, in my opinion, and people I’ve talked to seem to like it. Feel free to leave a comment saying what you think! While going through and updating the code (the site is entirely XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid), I also updated a load of the content – the Age of Empires section is no more, for instance, as it effectively consisted of one page! (You can still find that page here should you want to download the campaign.) I also updated other pages such as the About Me page, some of the GEM pages, and various things hither and thither.
Enjoy! 🙂