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1. | Howard Shore |
2. | John Williams |
3. | Karl Jenkins |
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8. | Mike Oldfield |
9. | Ludovico Einaudi |
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14. | Gilbert & Sullivan |
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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Back at the hostel
Filed under: — orudge @ 29/08/2004 9:10 pm
Oh well, I’m back at the hostel now for another week at school. For those who don’t know, due to where I live, I have to stay on a different island to go to school during the week now, and due to proxy servers, filters, and the like, you more than likely won’t see me on MSN Messenger, IRC, etc. But I’ll try to keep this blog updated whenever I have something to say!
Fun with XHTML
Filed under: — orudge @ 11:58 am
That title reminds me of something… “Fun with Maths”? Fun with something, anyway – which was ironic, as whatever it was wasn’t fun at all. But anyway. [Edit: “Fun with Verbs” (French verbs), that’s what it was!]
Steve^ of #tycoon and Phoenix Scripts has kindly volunteered to XHTMLise my site template (poor fellow, the code’s a right mess), basically because I’m too lazy to do it myself. So, if you still happen to be using Netscape 4.x, Internet Explorer 3.x, or some other ancient browser, it’s perhaps time to upgrade now to be able to continue to view your favourite site in glorious technicolour! 😛
I like technology.
Magical Trevor!
Filed under: — orudge @ 8:10 am
I was pointed towards this little gem (mirror) a few weeks ago – Magical Trevor! It’s about this little magican who sends a cow into a parallel dimension… it really is quite addictive (more addictive even than the domain buying disease!).
Hmm, while I’m talking about funny things, I came across the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, an, er, interesting song about there being a “brave little hobbit whom we all admire” in the “land of the Shire”. The video is rather funny too… starring Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame (bleh, Star Trek… much prefer Star Wars, me).
Hmm, it’s early – ten past nine! I wouldn’t normally be up for a while yet…