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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Rather busy!
Filed under: — orudge @ 30/11/2004 4:45 pm
Hmm, I’m still rather busy with… everything, really. It’s quite annoying. Got stuff to do for Young Enterprise, for English, for French, soon for History, probably for Biology soon. Also got to do a newsletter for the hostel residents council. Oh well, I’ll get through it all, eventually.
It’s December tomorrow. What happened to November? And October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February and January for that matter? Oh well, it’ll be 2005 soon, a new year, bringing with it new opportunities and prospects, and a new place to live. Should be interesting to see how that goes.
And that, my friends, is that, for now. Except for one thing… Mr Gary, Mr Ken… I, um, “enjoyed” your blog comments earlier. Most amusing. 😛
PS: OneNote is still for sale if anyone wants it. At the moment, it’s only £1.04. Grab a bargain! 😀
Filed under: — orudge @ 29/11/2004 6:10 pm
Monday today, and I have a load of work to do, as usual. I was thinking of going to see “Alien vs Predator” tonight, but I don’t think I actually will, due to this pile of work. Oh, that reminds me of something else I have to do, must send an e-mail off to someone to find out something. Cryptic, yes, but it’s necessary. 😉
What else… not a lot, really. I’m tired.
Anyone want a copy of OneNote?
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/11/2004 2:55 pm
Anyone here wanting a copy of Microsoft OneNote 2003, for whatever reason? Clickity-click.
OK, advertising over, I saw “The Dracula Spectacular” last night, a play put on by Sanday School. It was actually rather good, and definitely the most technologically-advanced performance put on by Sanday School. Takes me back to the times I took part in plays there… “Songs of Sanday”, the Noah thing we did in 1997(?) and even “Dinosaurs At Large” all those years ago… happy times.
The issues with the mail server have finally been solved on Zernebok, I think. If anyone has any problems, just let me know.
And that, my friends, is that.
More blog spam!
Filed under: — orudge @ 26/11/2004 8:13 pm
Bleh, the blog comment spam keeps on coming. I’ve set up various filters so much of it never actually gets to your screen, but it gets to my inbox, and to my moderation page! Some of it does manage to get through. I take it none of you are interested in playing poker online or getting various types of dodgy-looking drugs? If you are, then just go to www…. oh, wait, maybe not.
Yes. Well, anyway, I’m going to reconnect as my ISP is being silly again and isn’t giving any response when I try to visit various sites. Have fun everyone. 🙂
Blog en français!
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/11/2004 6:48 pm
Will post a blog later, possibly in French. French Windows is quite interesting!
DNS servers working again, POP3 still not
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/11/2004 4:55 pm
DNS servers on are working again, so all Zernebok-hosted sites should be working again now, I hope. The POP3 server still isn’t working though, as far as I can see… I’m working on it! It’s hard to do from the hostel, due to the lack of SSH access and so on. *sigh* 🙁
Jingle bells
Filed under: — orudge @ 11:30 am
Hmm, it’s December in 6 days or so. Six days! What happened to November, that’s what I want to know… anyway, I’ve got to stick the company logos onto the Aroond’n’Aboot board later on, and e-mail that to Jill, and then print off some money onto coloured paper (which I need to obtain from somewhere). It’s all good fun really. Clarissa is dying of laughter next to me because of sporks and drains… just don’t ask. Claudia is trying to divide something 5000 times instead of 3, and Abigail is, well, being Abigail. This biology class is totally barmey.
I need help.
Problems, enterprise, and so on
Filed under: — orudge @ 23/11/2004 4:21 pm
We had an “S6 Enterprise Challenge” day today, which was actually not all that bad. At times it was a bit, shall we say, boring, but it could have been worse.
Was playing around with wireless networking last night – it can be quite fun combining a laptop, a wireless network, a microphone, and software like icecast and so on… well, maybe that’s just me. But fun it was, and time it passed. 🙂
The new cPanel license for Zernebok has finally been set up, but there are still a couple of issues relating to DNS and e-mail with the server, which I hope will be fixed soon.
Anyway, stuff to do, tt-forums to catch up on, etc. Have fun.
Live feed for Firefox
Filed under: — orudge @ 21/11/2004 4:52 pm
If you’re using Firefox – and likely enough other browsers too – you should now see a little orange ‘live feed’ icon in your status bar. You can use this to add a live feed of my blog to your bookmarks, if you really feel the need. If you don’t use Firefox and still want to add the live feed, grab some sort of RSS-grabbing software and use the link at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar.
Fun stuff, eh? 🙂
Firefox again
Filed under: — orudge @ 1:31 pm
Giving Firefox another shot again, so far, it seems nice. Must go and update phpBB to 2.0.11, back in a minute.
Servers are being annoying again… the JervHost server ended up with a full HD (I don’t run it and have no admin control over it), which mucked up the MySQL on the guestbook and so on. Zernebok, after running happily for over a month, decided to go and launch some process which caused abnormally high load. I reboot the server, and the POP3 server decides not to launch. cPanel has been trying to relaunch it every 10 minutes now for the past little while. And the cPanel license still hasn’t been sorted out! Grrrr!
Currently listening to Clint Bajakian, Peter McConnell and Michael Z. Land – The Cemetry – this is the Monkey Island 2 soundtrack, for those who don’t know. 🙂
Saturday Night Fever
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/11/2004 9:40 pm
It be Saturday today. Had lifeguarding, was rather boring… 4 people in the pool the first session, 5 the second. Haven’t done any work on TTDAlter yet, might do that soon. Would be good to get 4.3 out. I did however have a 52-minute long radio show earlier today, which was an… interesting… experience (especially as I’m on a 56K modem). Credits to icecast for being so good, and Ogg Vorbis for still sounding reasonable at low bitrates! I have 6.3MB Ogg of the event if anyone really wants it, but it’s not that interesting. The most interesting bit is probably the bit at the end I made Microsoft Sam say. The thing works best if you were in #tycoon at the time. I had 8 listeners at one point! I also had a friend of mine in the Netherlands take The Superstation Orkney‘s 64kbps WMA stream and re-encode it into ~24kbps Ogg Vorbis on my icecast server (powered by Zernebok, of course). It actually worked quite well, and people in such far-fetched places as the United States of America, the Netherlands and Germany experienced a lower-quality version of the current Orkney radio scene (for another couple of days at least, until their license runs out… a shame really, I’ll miss them when they’re gone. Hopefully they’ll come back in early 2005 – of course, I’ll be leaving Orkney in mid-2005. But anyway).
I also found it interesting last night when I discovered that the YES Conference I was at on Tuesday was broadcast live on the Internet. It’s now up there for a month or so for everyone to view… fun stuff, indeed.
And as for certain other matters (Mr Lamont, Mr Harcus)… well, only Zernebok really knows. Zernebok knows a lot. He’s clever, is old Zernebok.
I like the word Zernebok.
I’ll be back!
Filed under: — orudge @ 19/11/2004 10:36 am
I smell snow in the air. It was a bit snowy last night (had a snowball fight at Jean-Marie’s with the neighbours, was very fun. Cold, though), and somewhat more snowy today. The isles schools are closed, but the mainland schools aren’t – so there’s still school today for me. But it is Children In Need today, so there are some funny and strange things going on.
Bonjour tout le monde!
Filed under: — orudge @ 18/11/2004 8:14 pm
I am here at Jean-Marie (the French assistant)’s house… making pancakes, it’s very funny. This French keyboard isn’t very fun though, it’s all…. French! Temporarily changed the keyboard layout, much easier to type now.
I promised a full report on the trip last night: not got time to do that at the moment, but by tomorrow night I’ll write something. Things are going OK here right now though (Ken: ;)).
Oh well, ta ta for now!
Back from Edinburgh/Inverness
Filed under: — orudge @ 17/11/2004 3:12 pm
Back from the Young Enterprise conference – it was actually very good. So were the interesting discussions on the bus, will post a full report later. 😉
Anyone about?
Filed under: — orudge @ 14/11/2004 3:46 pm
It’s fun talking to yourself. Anyone out there? 🙂
Well, today is Sunday, and tonight is back-to-the-hostel time. Tomorrow it’s off to Edinburgh for this Young Enterprise conference, so I’ll be away until Wednesday afternoon. There likely won’t be any updates on Tuesday, but there will probably still be a blog on Monday if I remember.
I tried to test the “blog via e-mail” facility just now. Nothing seems to have come through so far, but it might turn up yet! So if you see a blog almost identical to this one, that’s why.
See you later.
Anyone about? [test]
Filed under: — orudge @ 3:34 pm
[EDIT: It seems my test did work, a bit late]
It’s fun talking to yourself. Anyone out there? 🙂
Well, today is Sunday, and tonight is back-to-the-hostel time. Tomorrow it’s
off to Edinburgh for this Young Enterprise conference, so I’ll be away
until Wednesday afternoon. There likely won’t be any updates on Tuesday, but
there will probably still be a blog on Monday if I remember.
This is me testing the “blog via e-mail” facility, let’s see if it works!
Testing bold and links.
Well, that was fun. Toodle pip!
Firefox 1.0 blog!
Filed under: — orudge @ 13/11/2004 8:35 pm
A blog from Firefox 1.0 today! I must say, the blog does look and ‘operate’ a lot nicer in Firefox than it does in IE… I might give Firefox another try as being my permanent browser (last time it didn’t last all that long). We’ll see how it goes, I guess.
I’m in the process of obtaining Ogg Vorbis versions of many of the remaining ~250 MP3s in my collection. Some of them will never have new versions found simply because they don’t exist in any other form (eg, Airplay stuff), but some of it can, and will, be replaced. 🙂 It’s currently 238 MP3s and 1,403 Ogg Vorbis files, at the moment. More of the latter than I thought there was! It wasn’t too long ago that it was about 50/50…
Ehm, what else… OpenTTD multiplayer tests were (and still are) going on tonight. Generally, it was quite successful, except that it didn’t really like my 56K connection: the map synchronization at the beginning tends to kill it. If I can manage to stay in after that, though, the game works nicely. pasky has been working on newgrf support too, and now quite a bit more is working – although not all the advanced stuff. The planeset, in its basic form, should work with the latest SVN. (Disclaimer: I am not responsible if it doesn’t. Don’t ask when 0.4.0 will be out, the answer is When It’s Done™.)
Well, that’ll do for now. Oh, remind me to post those funny movie scripts here at some point, they were, funnily enough, funny.
Mornië utúlië, mornië alantië
Filed under: — orudge @ 12/11/2004 10:08 pm
Some fairly unique lyrics from a song today. First one to get the right answer wins a prize. First one to get the right answer by actually knowing the song (and not by searching on the old Interweb) gets a bonus prize.
It wasn’t a very nice day today, weather-wise. Bitterly cold, strong winds, a bit of snow (yay! but not ‘sticking’ snow), hail, rain, and generally yucky weather. The boat was rather rough on the way back.
Got through all that history homework Mr Ewing set us… rather a lot of it. Still got some French to do for Monday though, I think… that Monday French lesson is quite annoying, as we have a different teacher for it who we only see once a week, and sometimes stuff gets forgotten about. 🙁
Going down to Edinburgh on Monday night – well, Monday night down to Inverness, Tuesday to Edinburgh, for a Young Enterprise conference, which might be interesting. Then back that night to Inverness, and back to Orkney on the Wednesday.
Currently listening to The Emperor Arrives, The Death Of Yoda, Obi-Wan’s Revelation from the Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi soundtrack. A very nice piece. 🙂
Anyway, that’s today’s ramblings over and done with. Ta ta for now.
Filed under: — orudge @ 11/11/2004 3:50 pm
Earlier this week, I was passed on a priceless artifact by a certain Mr Wild: a specially-shaped lump of metal. I feel so honoured. 🙂
School was half-good today, I quite liked the afternoon… the lessons were kind of boring, but the people in the lessons were nice. Well, one person in particular. But anyway.
It’s raining horribly outside just now and I need to go to the bank. I think I’ll go tomorrow instead, before I catch the boat.
Blog spam!
Filed under: — orudge @ 10/11/2004 11:25 am
Argh, first it was GoneWacko’s blog, now my blog is being invaded by spam comments. I’ll sort them out later, but I might turn on moderation for comments soon, I’ll see what happens. Anyway, back to biology!