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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Proper Crimbo!
Filed under: — orudge @ 14/12/2004 7:25 pm
We just had Christmas dinner today in the hostel… was quite fun! Slightly scary at times, but generally fun. Decided to skip swimming tonight, thought it might not be too wise today!
We have the Aroond’n’Aboot launch night tomorrow. We basically have to stay all day at school until around 8pm or later (when I’d usually leave at about 1pm after lunch, free period last period, and it’s a short day because of a Wednesday) – we need to have the games finished tomorrow. I also have to knock up a PowerPoint presentation tonight, and also get the profiles thing for the web site finished. It looks like I have responsibility for filming this event tomorrow night. It might be fun – the game itself isn’t actually that unfun – we’ll see. Hmm, also have to finish my Specialist Study – done some 3,000 words, have 1,500 more to go. Have until Friday now though, instead of Thursday.
Ken told me about some site today with some weird quotes on, such as “Elvis is making a comeback… he’s already come three feet” (or words to that effect, might have misquoted them). This was then followed by generally lame jokes about Lord of the Rings, bees (what’s twelve inches long and buzzes? A very long bee. Kudos to Tombe on the forums for that one) and other interesting things. Can’t actually remember the site it’s on though, I wrote it down so will look at it at some point.
The ROTK: EE DVDs are very good, not got through all the extended stuff yet, but what I’ve seen so far I’ve liked. Very interesting, also quite sad at “the passing of an era” (well, the end of the LOTR films, anyway. Roll on “The Hobbit”!)
Hmm, I notice Zernebok still rules supreme. Or the Supreme Ruler still rules Zernebok. Something like that. Talking about Zernebok, how does “Zernebok, Inc.” sound as a company name? You never know… it could happen.
Well, that’s quite a long blog for today, yesterday and so on. Merry Christmas all, and don’t eat too much pie. Or spam. Unless you’re listening to a certain Weird Al song…