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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
House of Flying Daggers
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/02/2005 12:36 pm
** This Blog Entry Contains Possible Spoilers **
I saw this film last night, it wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t quite what I expected. For one, I didn’t realise it was entirely in Chinese with English subtitles, although once you get into it, it’s not that much of an annoyance. I also found the whole swinging in the trees thing and throwing bamboo sticks a bit, well, unprobably, as well as the fact that the girl could stay alive for half the film (well, seemingly that) with a dagger in her heart… but oh well, perhaps that’s just me. It wasn’t too bad a film for a couple of hours worth of entertainment, just not the sort of film I’d normally see, I guess, or a bit different, which isn’t always a bad thing.
Prelim results are slowly trickling back in… I got 25 out of 30 in my Alasdair Gray essay for English, which is about the same as I got on the end of unit test, and is an A, so I’m happy enough. Not got the results back for Textual Analysis yet, should get those tomorrow, and all the other subject results remain clouded in mystery at the moment. Got Biology next period, the paper should be marked by then I think/hope, but what the mark will actually be… we will see. French last, where we are studying “Un Sac de Billes”, a text by Joseph Joffo about the Nazi occupation in France in the deuxiéme guerre mondialle (apologies for any misplaced accents or anything there). We were told on the day of the French prelim that we had to finish this book by, well, today, which was a bit of a shock as I still had a couple of hundred of pages to go. A couple of hundred pages later, and here I am. Just.
Hmm, just noticed that Ken has somewhat more in his Downloads section than I noticed on last viewing, so I’ll go and look at some of those.
Actually, I’m going to lunch now. Bye.