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1. | Howard Shore |
2. | John Williams |
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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
The Ultimate Transport Tycoon Game Repository: version 2
Filed under: — orudge @ 16/08/2007 10:50 pm
Well, the other day, GoneWacko inspired me to start working again on the new version of the Repository. The old version hasn’t really been updated since it was written back in 2001, and it really shows. Particularly the fact that most of the links to scenarios are broken. The new site works rather nicely, and can analyse saved games to pull up a ridiculous amount of data, all nicely accessible from within the site. Hopefully, the inspiration will last long enough for me to finish it and get the site out sometime in the next few weeks. We will see. Got any suggestions for features for the new site? Let me know!
TT station update: new version of soundtrack MP3s uploaded
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/07/2007 6:55 pm
Some news from the Transport Tycoon Station: as well as a few assorted minor updates, I have uploaded an updated version of Mircea Pavîlcu’s rendition of the Transport Tycoon Deluxe soundtrack to the site. This fixes some issues with the bass in the previous version. You can download the MP3s here. There’s also a new download available that contains all the MP3s in a single zip file. Give the music a try, it’s good. 😉
Welcome to the new look!
Filed under: — orudge @ 16/06/2007 3:29 pm
Well, if you visited the blog yesterday, you’ll have seen the new look, which has now been rolled out to the rest of! (Except the guestbook, which I intend to bring back from the dead soon, and the photo gallery, which I’m working on). The new look is a lot cleaner and generally more pleasant than the old site, in my opinion, and people I’ve talked to seem to like it. Feel free to leave a comment saying what you think! While going through and updating the code (the site is entirely XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid), I also updated a load of the content – the Age of Empires section is no more, for instance, as it effectively consisted of one page! (You can still find that page here should you want to download the campaign.) I also updated other pages such as the About Me page, some of the GEM pages, and various things hither and thither.
Enjoy! 🙂
An update to the TT Station!
Filed under: — orudge @ 10/03/2007 6:30 pm
It’s time for my yearly update to the Transport Tycoon Station, and after many years, I’ve finally completed one of those pages that said “This page will be completed soon”. Only one of them though, I’m afraid. 😛 I’ve also uploaded some new, high quality renditions of the TT Music, and performed a few assorted updates here and there. Enjoy!
Foxamp 0.3.7 (for Firefox 2.0) released
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/12/2006 10:48 pm
I’ve finally released an update to Foxamp (which had been sitting on my hard disk for a couple of months, sorry!) which enables support for Firefox 2.0. It will work for all Firefox 2.0.x versions. Download it here. is 7 years old!
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/11/2006 4:02 pm
Seven years, wow. On the 28th November 1999, I launched “Owen’s Visual Basic Workshop”, on the domain It expanded to feature things other than Visual Basic, and in 2000, it became The site grew and grew, and in 2002, was registered. The site didn’t actually “become” until mid-2003, as I recall, though. Since then, bits of it have branched off, into the Transport Tycoon Station, The Transport Tycoon Forums and so on, but the core site is still here… seven years on. Happy birthday, 😉
At long last, an update!
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/10/2006 4:45 pm
Well, after many months of neglect, I’ve updated my main site a little bit – specifically, I’ve updated the About Me page. Otherwise, I’ve just been generally busy with university and “real life”, as detailed in the blog. The main site will get updated randomly over time, though… honestly!
(Oh, and if you’re reading this on Facebook – or indeed, on Planet Tycoon – and it seems to make no sense, it’s because I import my “Notes” externally from my blog, and my web site’s news stories come from the blog. Yes, I’m a nerd.)
Happy birthday to me
Filed under: — orudge @ 09/07/2006 12:59 pm
Yep, today is my 19th birthday! Hurrah! And today shall mainly be spent packing and sorting things out here I think, as tomorrow I head off to Brazil. 🙂
An update!
Filed under: — orudge @ 06/07/2006 9:28 pm
Time to update the main site I think – yes, I am alive, although I haven’t been updating the main site all that much. Most of my time in recent months has been taken up by university, and this summer I’m travelling a lot. Check out the latest updates on the blog.
Merry Christmas!
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/12/2005 11:15 pm
Hey all… hope you had a good Christmas. I had a fairly quiet day here in Wales, but it was enjoyable enough. Hope you all have a good New Year! 🙂
New version of Foxamp released
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/12/2005 6:08 pm
I have released a new version of Foxamp, the Firefox extension that lets you control Winamp from your browser. I have taken this over from sweetfish, and updated it to make it compatible with Firefox 1.5. I also intend to update it further in the future. Check it out, and please let me know if you have any comments or problems.
New page about FreeGEM Webring
Filed under: — orudge @ 27/03/2005 8:35 pm
I have added a new page to the GEM Workshop about the FreeGEM Webring, which is now under new management (I’m the new Ringmaster). If you happen to have a GEM-related site, or want to find one, take a look. 🙂
New poll, at last!
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/03/2005 9:14 am
Well, I finally created a new poll, after quite a long time of having the “Bush or Kerry” poll active. The results of that, by the way, can be found here, with 55.6% of voters preferring Kerry to Bush… the new poll is a bit simpler, asking where in the world – or outside the world – you live. 🙂
Site moved to new server
Filed under: — orudge @ 17/02/2005 11:23 pm
I have finally moved over to Zernebok, my dedicated server. If anything is broken, please let me know… as far as I know, everything should be OK, but you never know. 😉
News migrated to blog
Filed under: — orudge @ 05/02/2005 8:20 pm
To make things easier for me to administrate, I’ve integrated the site news system with the blog. The archives are now part of the blog – hence the huge increase in the number of months listed on the right of the blog page – and it all seems to work quite nicely. Let me know if you find any problems with it! In theory, this should mean that news on the main page at least is updated more often.
What’s this? An update?!?
Filed under: — orudge @ 01/01/2005 5:00 am
Apologies for the extreme lack of updates recently. There have been small updates to various parts of the site, I just hadn’t written news items for them. My blog is updated daily (usually), so there’s always something new to read, anyway.
OSPlus Text Editor 2.1 has been released today finally, after many years of (non-)development. Be sure to download it, it contains some nice new features.
Age of Empires III is on it’s way – keep an eye out on the Ensemble Studios site for more information. At some point, I may update the AoE section here. was five years old back in November… I missed the site’s birthday, unfortunately, but a belated happy birthday.
Oh well, see you in a year’s time!
Hmm, a blog!
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/08/2004 5:00 am
Well, I’ve decided to start a blog… this might end up being a load of rubbish, or it might not. Who knows… check it out, and tell me what you think! I’ll try to keep it fairly regularly updated…
Winamp Control Centre 1.4 released!
Filed under: — orudge @ 02/07/2004 5:00 am
I have released version 1.4 of Winamp Control Centre. This new version allows you to specify the path to Winamp on the command line, and also lets you execute multiple commands at once. See the Winamp Control Centre page for more details.
Welcome to the new!
Filed under: — orudge @ 01/05/2004 12:00 am
At last, the new has launched! It’s taken some months, but it’s here at last! Please feel free to explore through the site – many sections have been updated or revised, and there is a cleaner, fresher look to the site. If you have any queries or comments, or notice any problems, please do contact me!
In other news, TTDAlter 4.2 will be released soon, offering many enhancements. Check out the TT Station for more information.
Winamp Control Centre 1.3 released!
Filed under: — orudge @ 08/04/2004 12:00 am
Apologies for the recent downtime – the server should be up and quite stable from now on. Anyway, I have released Winamp Control Centre 1.3, which adds a number of enhancements to this useful utility for controling Winamp.