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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
New screenshots at DesktopShots
Filed under: — orudge @ 27/01/2002 12:00 am
I have uploaded various new screenshots to DesktopShots. Click here to view them! BTW, if you are using a fairly large screen resolution, or would like the content to take up the full width of your browser, then click here to go to the Customise page, where you can choose how you want the site to appear to you. You can also turn the drop-down menus at the top of the screen on or off with this.
Today’s update
Filed under: — orudge @ 05/01/2002 12:00 am
Due to connection problems, I was unable to upload the update that was meant to be on the 3rd (see below). So here it is now. Since then, I’ve added a Windows XP screenshot gallery to DesktopShots – check it out!
Latest Additions
Filed under: — orudge @ 03/01/2002 1:00 am
As usual, I’ve got behind on uploading my updates, so there is a big one for you now. Firstly, I’ve given the December 2001 award to, a great site dedicated to the Allegro game programming library. Click here to go to the Awards page. Also, Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 2.1 has been released, in case you missed the news item below (which was never actually uploaded on the 22nd…. oh dear). Click here to go to the Manager page. There are also new screenshots at DesktopShots. I plan to give DesktopShots a whole new look, and new dynamic functionality soon. More information on this later… Finally, I will soon release File3D 1.2 and also an Screensaver, for both Windows and SEAL. Check back soon for these!
Happy New Year!
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 am
I’d just like to say happy new year to all my visitors! I hope you had a great Christmas. 2001 has been a very good year for Firstly, the Forums were launched back in January, which have proved to be very popular (especially the Melissa Joan Hart one). The site also expanded in various ways, with the addition of the Ultimate Transport Tycoon Game Repository, various other sections of the site, and the takeover of DesktopShots.
Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 2.1 is out!
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/12/2001 12:00 am
I have released version 2.1 of the Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager. This contains several enhancements and bug fixes, and is highly recommended. I have also uploaded a browsable version of the SGM help file. Click here to go to the SGM page.
GEMP3 2.2 released, plus new screenshots at DesktopShots
Filed under: — orudge @ 16/12/2001 12:00 am
I have finally got around to releasing GEMP3 2.2, which you can find here. I have also gone through the GEM Workshop and generally updated a lot of the material. Finally, I have uploaded some new screenshots to DesktopShots.
And the November award goes to…
Filed under: — orudge @ 02/12/2001 12:00 am
….! A brilliant Britney Spears web site, with a great design, thousands of photos, a number of videos, and more! Click here to go to the Awards page.
New screenshots at DesktopShots
Filed under: — orudge @ 30/11/2001 12:00 am
I was unable to upload yesterday’s update because the server was being moved when I tried to upload the files. Anyway, I have uploaded around eight new screenshots to DesktopShots. Keep ’em coming!
Server problems
Filed under: — orudge @ 29/11/2001 12:00 am
Over the past week or so, some of you may have been experiencing problems with this site, in that some links on various pages give you error 404s. If you look at the source of the page, you will find that various characters may have had slashes added. This doesn’t seem to happen all the time though. I have no idea why this is happening – I think something may have changed in the PHP configuration on the server. I have added a little thing to the common include file which may help solve the problem, but I don’t really know if it will. I have e-mailed UKLinux support, but have had no reply yet – I will try again later. If you continue to have problems, please e-mail me. is two years old today!
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/11/2001 12:00 am
This site is two years old today! There haven’t been a huge number of updates recently, but I am planning a few things for the future: 1) Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 2.1 should be out soon. 2) GEMP3 2.2 should be out sometime soon too. 3) I may be taking over Melissa Joan Hart Central. 4) I am planning a new section on DesktopShots for my own Windows XP screenshots. I also have some screenshots to upload which I will do either tomorrow, Friday, or at the weekend. Finally, 5) I will get around to adding a new poll very soon, probably when I do the above. Please check back soon!
And the October award goes to…
Filed under: — orudge @ 10/11/2001 1:00 am
…. An excellent Melissa Joan Hart fan site. Click here to go to the Awards page. Remember, this site has a popular Melissa Joan Hart forum, where you can converse with others about the brilliant actress, her shows and movies, and more! Click here to go to the forums!
Screenshots Uploaded to DesktopShots (finally!)
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 am
I have finally got around to uploading a bunch of screenshots for DesktopShots… find them here.
40,000 hits and new screenshots at DesktopShots
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/10/2001 12:00 am
I have uploaded a couple of new screenshots to DesktopShots (in addition to the ones mentioned below which were uploaded late again…..). Also, a couple of hours ago, this site had it’s 40,000th hit, and guess who had the 40,000th hit? Me! (OK, I admit, I went to the site and it happened to be 39,995, so I pressed refresh a couple of times…..). On another note, Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 2.1 should be available soon, which offers several bug fixes and enhanced features.
New screenshots at DesktopShots
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/10/2001 12:00 am
I have uploaded three new screenshots to DesktopShots. Keep them coming!
MEGA update!
Filed under: — orudge @ 19/10/2001 12:00 am
This is going to be a mega update, as I’ve been having big Internet connection problems and have been unable to upload the site! Everything from here to "D’oh!" below is updated! Anyway, I’ve added a new link to the Transport Tycoon Station Links page – please do check it out! I’ve also fixed a little bug with the rating system which means that it’ll work properly with certain dynamic pages.
Utility Base Updates, plus everything else I’ve done
Filed under: — orudge @ 17/10/2001 1:00 am
Lots of updates today, half of which should have been uploaded ages ago. Anyway, I’ve released WinAmp Control Centre 1.1, which is much better than the original version. If you use WinAmp, check this out! (BTW, if you’re interested in a possible use of the WinAmp Control Centre, see my DesktopShots screenshots). I’ve also uploaded a new utility called SplitSound. This splits WAV files up into numerous x-second chunks. On a completely different topic, I’ve added a "better" Internal Server Error page. Hopefully you will never see it. Last of all, I have added a new Old Polls page. Just click the Old Polls link in the poll box on the right hand side of every page to see a list of older polls and to see their results. BTW: If you got here via, you might not be able to get here that way soon. Use instead.
New Screenshots at DesktopShots
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 am
I’ve uploaded some new screenshots to DesktopShots. The DesktopShots screenshots will be moving to a more reliable and faster server soon. This will take a little while to do as there are over 25mb of screenshots! Be sure to check back! On a slightly different note, it’s pretty much exactly a year since this site had just had 4,000 hits. Now the site has had around 37,500, at a rate of over 1,200 hits a week!
OSPlus Disk Imager 1.4 Released
Filed under: — orudge @ 16/10/2001 1:00 am
I have released version 1.4 of the OSPlus Disk Imager. This fixes a MAJOR bug from version 1.3, and adds various other useful features. Download it now.
More Screenshots Uploaded
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 am
I have uploaded a few more screenshots to DesktopShots, including a particularly nice one of Melissa Joan Hart.
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 am
It turns out that when I awarded the October award to the Bad Seal site, NameZero (who host decided to terminate Bad Sector (the owner of the site)’s account. I can’t remember the (long) URL to the site right now, but there is another one at