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# | Artist |
1. | Clint Bajakian, Peter McConnell and Michael Z. Land |
2. | Linkin Park |
3. | Howard Shore |
4. | Klaus Badelt |
5. | Red Hot Chili Peppers |
6. | Hadhirgaan |
7. | The Offspring |
8. | Creed |
9. | The Darkness |
10. | Weird Al Yankovic |
11. | Llan de Cubel |
12. | Airplay |
13. | Busted |
14. | DJ Sammy |
15. | Good Charlotte |
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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
An update to my map…
Filed under: — orudge @ 31/01/2006 5:39 pm
Well, I can update my visited countries map now I guess:
Will post more later. Just uploading my photos from Budapest. 🙂
EDIT: Find the photos here – there are a lot of them!
In Budapest!
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/01/2006 12:59 pm
A quick hello from Hungary! Got in last night after about 11 hours on trains, in airports, and flying, but all went well. It’s all snowy here in Budapest and everything looks really beautiful. Will take many photos over this next week, I’m sure. We may also be crossing the border to Austria at the weekend for a day trip to Vienna, which would be fun! 🙂 Will post more next week when I’m back.
All done!
Filed under: — orudge @ 21/01/2006 8:49 pm
Well, all my exams are finished now, at last. 🙂 Had Management and Philosophy on Thursday, they seemed to go reasonably well, I think, so will just have to wait for the results to come out now! Off to Budapest on Monday for a week, so that should be good fun. 🙂
Just a quick blog there today, I’m afraid… dinner’s nearly ready. Toodle pip.
Two down, two to go…
Filed under: — orudge @ 15/01/2006 6:50 pm
Well, as the post title suggests, two of my exams have been, and two are still to come. I had Computer Science on Thursday, which was really very straightforward for me – 50% of it was multiple choice! Discrete Mathematics was on Friday, and that seemed to go very well too, so so far, so good. 🙂 I’ve got the more difficult ones next Thursday – Management in particular I’m not looking forward to quite so much mainly because of the large number of theorists and so on that have to be remembered. Philosophy shouldn’t be too bad, but it’s on the same day as management, which isn’t really ideal. Oh well, will let you know how things go. 🙂
Other news now, and I got my new Audigy 2 ZS Platinum installed on Friday. It’s very nice indeed – 192KHz, 24-bit 7.1 sound. 🙂 It does sound notably better than the onboard sound, even when just playing standard 44.1KHz 16-bit stuff. Also got an extra 1GB of RAM, for a total of 2GB now – also very nice. However, typically enough, my graphics card fan has gone and basically broken itself somehow (GeForce 6600GT 256MB PCI Express), so I’ve ordered a new Zalman cooler for it which in theory will arrive tomorrow, but I imagine it won’t actually arrive until Tuesday (do they despatch things on Sunday?). So my main PC is now out of action (the GPU was reaching temperatures of over 100°C at times!) until then, as I’d rather not fry my graphics card. 😉 (I could install my old GF4 MX440, but that’d involve taking a PCI card out, as I only have 2 PCI slots on my motherboard). Bit of a pain, really. However, I’m using my laptop with two monitors now, which is quite nice… I could get used to this. 😉
Right, time for some food, methinks!
Filed under: — orudge @ 11/01/2006 4:12 pm
Inspired by ThorRune‘s blog, I have added my weekly top artists from to my site, which you can find hidden in the depths of the navigation bar on the right. (It’s rather long, I know). On a related note, I do like the PHP 5 SimpleXML extension – it really is so simple to use. 🙂
On another vaguely related note, I’ve noticed a lot more cross-blog commentary as such, thanks to the new Planet TT-Forums by Aegir (note that the URL has changed from that listed in my previous blogs on the subject). Keep this up, guys, it’s really nice to see. 🙂
Right, enough procrastination, back to revision. My first exam is tomorrow…
Oh tell me why… do we build castles in the sky?
Filed under: — orudge @ 07/01/2006 4:15 am
Ah, I like the bop. It’s much fun. Even when running it, as such.
Filed under: — orudge @ 05/01/2006 5:14 pm
Yes, it’s that time of year again (well, not “again”, as this is my first year at uni… but it’s that time of year, anyway): exams! Well, revision for exams at the moment. I’m back in St Andrews, after having a fun journey up on the train on the 2nd, and then finding that none of the supermarkets were open so I had no food. :/ Got food the next day, so that was good. Have basically been procrastinating since, but revision is gradually being done, and will likely shift up a gear quite soon. My first exam is Computer Science next Thursday, then Discrete Mathematics on Friday, and Management and Philosophy the Thursday after. It’ll all be over by the 20th, anyway. 🙂 And, after that, I’m going to Budapest for a week, on the 23rd, with my academic mum Rachel, which should be really good. 😀
My new digital camera, a Fuji FinePix E550, arrived yesterday. It’s really rather nice, so expect some more pictures cropping up on this blog and in the photo gallery in the months to come. 🙂
Well, best get back to work…
Various updates
Filed under: — orudge @ 04/01/2006 12:00 pm
Happy new year everyone. I’ve updated various pages on the site, including the Links page, the Where To Get It page, as well as an assortment of other updates here and there. As for when the various incomplete pages here will be finished… I honestly can’t say just now. But I do intend to finish them sometime. Eventually…
Happy new year!
Filed under: — orudge @ 01/01/2006 1:20 am
Well, it’s now 2006 here in Britain… happy new year to everyone! The fireworks here were amazing, coming from Sanday, fireworks were a rarity in general outside of Bonfire night – I never expected quite what I just saw. The delights of civilisation, eh? 😉
Coincidentally, 2006 means that part of my web site (specifically the really old archive posts on this blog) are 10 years old (well, will be in October). Yikes.
Hope you all have a great year! 🙂