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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Only 1½ months…
Filed under: — orudge @ 29/04/2005 7:11 pm
… until Shoogle go down to Edinburgh for the Young Enterprise Scotland finals. Yes, they won last night, and we didn’t. We and many others think this was perhaps somewhat unfair, as we did put in a lot of hard work for our product, more than we think Stromness did (who only launched their product last week – we launched ours at Christmas, having worked since August or so, and are currently in the process of producing the second edition). The competition was very close, and apparently the Stromness guidebook (a rehash of last year’s guidebook) was “more viable”, which wasn’t really fair as this was only meant to be a short-term project. But oh well, you win some, you lose some…
On another note, Hong Kong Broadband has officially launched their 1Gbit/sec home broadband service for the small fee of US$215/month. Imagine what you could do with all that bandwidth…
Night all.
Hmm, 6 hours to go…
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/04/2005 12:58 pm
… until the presentation. The PowerPoint is complete and ready to go, as is the display stand one. Ken and Leanne seem to know their lines. So… may the best board game manafacturer win! 😀
9 days…
Filed under: — orudge @ 27/04/2005 4:50 pm
… and tonight might be the first night since Sunday when I can actually get to sleep at a decent time without having to worry about work, presentations, or whatever! Maybe. As I’ve mentioned quite a lot, we have the Effigy presentation evening tomorrow night, and we’ve got the actual PowerPoint presentation complete now. The speech is basically written, so now we just need Ken and Leanne to learn it! The special money is more or less cut up – need to reprint a couple of pages – and hopefully everything will go smoothly. That’s the plan.
10 days…
Filed under: — orudge @ 26/04/2005 4:43 pm
… and today Effigy donated £500 to CLIC. Expect to see our photos in the local papers later this week. Talking about Effigy, presentation is getting closer, got a meeting tonight about it, so I’m quite busy.
Gotta go, things to be done!
11 days and counting…
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/04/2005 3:53 pm
… and things are still busy, busy, busy! The fire alarm went off last night at about 10.45pm, when I was just finishing off my essay on “Un sac de billes”, and it stayed on for about 50 minutes, as the inhabitants of E4 had managed to get water in one of the fire alarms, and the fire alarm didn’t want to go off… *sigh* By the time I got back to my room, I was too tired to finish the essay, so went to sleep. Woke up then at around 7am from a dream where I was thinking how I had to finish my essay, and guess what? I had to finish my essay. So I did, mostly. All fun stuff.
Young Enterprise presentation on Thursday, a number of things to do by then, including finishing the PowerPoint presentation, doing a “background” presentation for the stand perhaps, printing some special money and other exciting things…
Have you ever noticed how people sneeze differently? I noticed that some people seem to have little “bark-like” sneezes, other people have quite loud dirty-sounding sneezes, and some people are just in the middle. Exciting.
Well, I’ll leave you now, dinner time, but I’ll Be Back!™
12 schooldays and counting…
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/04/2005 7:43 pm
Yep, that’s all I have left: twelve actual days of school, before exam leave and then The End Of All Things™. Time flies, eh? Hmm, supper time, and work to be done, so that’s another short blog!
Filed under: — orudge @ 23/04/2005 11:18 am
Don’t ask. This entry does have a point, I’ll explain all later. 😉
Argh, bureaucracy!
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/04/2005 10:41 pm
Getting to university is a bit of a nightmare. Just finished filling out my SAAS (Student Awards Agency for Scotland) forms for financial assistance for uni, and also scholarship application forms for St. Andrews… nightmare indeed. Here’s hoping it’ll all be OK and they won’t want more information, or what not. I’m fairly worn out after all that, but am just going to have a poke around with the new industries for OpenTTD. Night all.
And another week is going, going…
Filed under: — orudge @ 21/04/2005 5:25 pm
… nearly gone. This one has gone by quite quickly, unlike last week which was rather long. Only three weeks tomorrow until the English exam! The exams have come very quickly this year, as I seem to keep saying. This weekend will be very busy: I’ve got stuff to do for English (reading and a textual analysis paper), French (two essays), Biology (end of unit 3 test tomorrow) and Young Enterprise (presentation next Thursday). Part of the Effigy team are coming over to the hostel to work on the presentation here tonight, so hopefully we’ll get something going that’s OK by next week!
Night all, stuff to be done!
Butterflies and Hurricanes
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/04/2005 3:08 pm
Right, it’s now Wednesday, and not that long until The End Of All Things. We got our exam timetables today, which most of us already knew, but the school have adjusted some of the exam times slightly, which means that my Biology exam now finishes at 4pm instead of 3.30pm, which leaves less time for getting down to the boat… a bit annoying, but I think there’s still time. Boat leaves at 4.40pm, IIRC. Will have to check.
The Effigy Report™ was handed in eventually, and all is well there. We’re now working on our presentation, have got another meeting about that tomorrow. Presentation is next Thursday. Hopefully that’ll go well too. Michael Jackson will be there judging it and giving a speech (that’s Michael Anthony Jackson, of course), so, as I often say, we’ll see how it goes.
Just been looking at Ken‘s latest missive (hmm, I could really do with a “Ken” button here that automatically pasted in that URL, etc), which covers everything from misleading statistics to wristbands. I tend to agree on the statistics thing – according to some statistics, over 90% of the buggers are made up. I’ve heard other numbers quoted too. Couldn’t tell you which to believe, make up your own minds. As for the wristbands, in literally the past week I’ve seen them suddenly spring up on people in KGS all over the place. It’s actually quite annoying me now. As usual, I’m going against the trend and absolutely refusing to have anything to do with the things… some people say, “oh, but it’s for charity”. So? I’ll make a donation then. Oh well, if it helps with these anti-bullying things (although I too have heard that people wearing them, rather ironically, have been bullied) then it’s maybe not so bad. Ken did suggest “Zernebok” wristbands – apparently you have to order them in lots of 500, and are relatively expensive, so it may take some effort to get rid of them…
That’s today’s slightly longer and more interesting ramble over!
And it’s Monday!
Filed under: — orudge @ 18/04/2005 4:58 pm
Today’s the day the Young Enterprise report was meant to be handed in. It’s all looking very good, except the stupid printer decides not to work… hopefully the thing’s been printed by now, I’m not sure. We’ll see how it goes.
Was driving again today, did more or less the same route as last week, and it went fairly well – 180 degree turns and clutch control again. Oh, and there was an interesting “incident” in the hostel today, where some people managed to get access to my room, and moved everything (including the bed and some chairs) around. I discovered who it was and they were suitably Ticked Off™, and all is now right with the world. 🙂
New industries!
Filed under: — orudge @ 17/04/2005 7:09 pm
Did some work on OpenTTD this weekend (as well as having an enjoyable multiplayer game yesterday – today’s was a bit less enjoyable due to people bickering and arguing), and have been working on implementing some of Born Acorn’s new industry graphics into the game, and OpenTTD (on my local computer) now features a Water Desalination Plant in the sub-tropical climate, and will also feature an Oil-Fired Power Plant next weekend. So far it seems to be working quite well, a couple of bugs but they’re being worked on.
Had a very rough boat journey tonight, was actually quite fun in a way. And that’s about that.
Dyslexic bees
Filed under: — orudge @ 15/04/2005 8:09 pm
Always fun, dyslexic bees that go “fuzz fuzz fuzz”. Or was that Kirsty? Can’t remember. Anyway, Friday now, and this week has been a long one… the Effigy report is pretty much done now, just being printed, and very nice it is too. Next on the Effigy agenda: presentation. Should be fun.
If you live in Scotland, you’ll likely see my old school, Sanday School, on the news – the S3 pupils won a trip to Malawi with the First Minister in the “Scottish Schools Africa Challenge“. They never had such a thing when *I* was in S3… *sigh* Oh well, well done to them.
Hmm, what else? My island was on TV last night as well, actually, as part of “The Culture Show”, talking about Peter Maxwell Davis, Master of the Queen’s Music. Exciting stuff, tis indeed.
Right, well, I’ve got stuff to be done, so I shall do it!
And another day…
Filed under: — orudge @ 14/04/2005 5:53 pm
… and Kirsty is sitting next to me, sending an e-mail to Nick, and telling semi-funny jokes and cracking up at random chain letters. The Effigy report (hmm, for some reason, that reminds me of the Hutton Report) is almost done, seems to be OK so far, going to get it finished tonight and/or tomorrow morning, to be printed tomorrow. Hopefully we’ll win this thing yet. 😉
Effigy report
Filed under: — orudge @ 13/04/2005 2:25 pm
I’m currently busy writing the report for Effigy, the KGS Young Enterprise company. It’s going OK so far, most of it is written, just need to get some pictures into it, finish the formatting and make it all nice. We have to hand it in next Monday, and the presentation is two weeks tomorrow, where we will hopefully win against Stromness. 😉
Well, that’s all for now, ta ta.
Filed under: — orudge @ 12/04/2005 12:20 pm
… and the coffee bar, the tuck shop and the computer rooms at the hostel have been closed, due to some people not being able to use bins properly. *sigh* I really don’t understand how people in this world can’t just walk over to a bin, and put their rubbish in it! It’s not that difficult! “Find a bin, put it in!” as the poster I won a prize for (I won a prize for basically an art competition, really!) back in 1999 said. Oh well, not going to be at the hostel for that much longer…
Had my third driving lesson yesterday, did some 180° turns and clutch control, seemed to go fairly well. 🙂 Got Young Enterprise now, anyway, so I’d best go… report due next week!
Back to school again…
Filed under: — orudge @ 11/04/2005 8:08 pm
… and I’ve just filled in my Block Release Form for the hostel, basically saying when I’ll be here and when I won’t during exam time. My exams are on Friday 13th May, Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th and Monday 23rd, so I’ll be in and out of town during that period, and then freedom! Until September at least. 😉 It’s been a long 13 years…
Sweet and innocent
Filed under: — orudge @ 10/04/2005 8:10 pm
They’re the words that come to everyone’s mind when one says the word “Abigail“, I’m sure. Anyway, back at the hostel and things are as exciting as ever. And yes, the Pope is dead, Charles and Camilla are married, and, well, not even Abigail can give me something to talk about. Well, apart from that stuff that happened last week, but I won’t mention that, eh?
Yees… illicit affairs! It’s witchcraft, I tell thee! </private joke>
And it’s Friday, again.
Filed under: — orudge @ 08/04/2005 8:04 pm
Time flies.
Filed under: — orudge @ 07/04/2005 10:35 pm
Hmm, been playing a bit of TTD today – haven’t actually sat down and had a game of it in ages. It’s quite fun. 🙂 Playing with the DB Set XL 0.81, also quite fun – haven’t played with the DB Set since it was, well, the original DB Set – all sorts of new things in XL 0.81. As well, there are a number of new things in TTDPatch, such as path-based signalling, bus stops (as opposed to bus stations), higher resolutions, and more, so it’s rather enjoyable. 🙂
Weather’s been quite bad here today, very windy… it was quite nice the past few days, don’t really know what’s happened. Oh well…