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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Filed under: — orudge @ 30/05/2005 7:24 pm
Hmm, I forsee time being quite strange over the next few months, at least if current practices continue. Each day is more or less the same as the next day, or the previous day if you prefer, although there are a few events on the horizon: a trip into town on Wednesday for a driving lesson, this whole “prom” on Friday (a rather over-American term for my liking, but oh well), and the Young Enterprise thingy next Thursday. So that’s my current todo list. Oh, and get this motherboard replaced… Overclockers responded to my e-mail today by asking me about the BIOS and the RAM, but as of yet haven’t replied again – hopefully they will tomorrow.
Filed under: — orudge @ 29/05/2005 2:10 pm
Well, yesterday afternoon, I was very excited, because all my new stuff arrived, so I immediately went and built it. All very exciting, get everything plugged in, connected up and press the power button… “System failure due to CPU overclocking”, says the lady inside the computer. What? I’ve never overclocked the computer, I’ve just built it. I check the manual, and it says “go into the BIOS and change the multipliers” – all very well, but I can’t get into the BIOS, as nothing comes up on the screen. I try other RAM modules, graphics cards, every variety of everything I possibly could do, but always the same. Have a look on Google, it seems quite a few other people have had this problem with the A8V Deluxe, and it’s likely down to a faulty board. So, I’ve contacted Overclockers to get it replaced, now I just have to wait for a reply – of course, it has to be a weekend, doesn’t it? So, I’m back on the trusty old Duron for a little bit longer… 🙁
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/05/2005 6:26 pm
A random Wednesday comes and goes. I didn’t do all that much today… my stuff from Overclockers was despatched, and will hopefully arrive quite soon. Apart from that, well, not a lot.
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/05/2005 7:15 pm
Well, the time has come for Phase #1 of the Upgrade. Phase #2 will be a graphics card upgrade later in the year in time for Age of Empires III, but Phase #1 involves:
- AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Venice 90nm (Socket 939)
- Asus A8V Rev.2 Deluxe VIA K8T800 Pro (Socket 939) Motherboard
- OcUK Value (6097) Gaming Case Silver – 400w PSU
- Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 10 NCQ 250GB 6B250SO SATA 16MB Cache – OEM
- Compro VideoMate DVB-T200 Digital TV Internal PCI
All of which should give me quite a nice system, when combined with my 1GB RAM, 17″ TFT, 16x DVD writer (dual-layer) and so on. The graphics card will likely be the main bottleneck then, but that will be sorted later in the year. The disadvantage there is it’ll have to be AGP, rather than PCI Express, which will probably be cheaper then, but for the games I play, I likely won’t notice it that much. (My current graphics card – GeForce 4 MX 440 – is only PCI, due to my old motherboard, some PC Chips abomination – not having an AGP slot!). My laser printer should arrive later in the week too, which is good. Status update later. 🙂
No more exams!
Filed under: — orudge @ 23/05/2005 6:35 pm
Had Higher History today, it went surprising well… I did my two essays on the growth of democracy in Britain from 1867 to 1928, and concerns over the US immigration policy after 1918, and they seemed to go OK, perhaps not quite enough quotation and statistics though. Paper 2, the “question/answer” paper, wasn’t too bad – we do the Appeasement and Road to War topic, and it was mainly on the Anschluss and Czechoslovakia, so not too bad. Now: 4 months of not a lot. Anyone got any computer-related work they want doing? 😉
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/05/2005 9:56 am
Now, you may have heard of Wikipedia, but have you heard of Uncyclopedia? Uncyclopedia is a very funny site full of very funny articles about the world we live in. A few examples of pages I’ve noticed that made me laugh… Eiffel Tower, Scotland, London, Those magazines where you get free stuff and binder with part one, but get hammered on the subsequent issues….. check it out, you might like it. 😉
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/05/2005 1:26 pm
Well, after some time, the blog has finally been moved to Zernebok (the Adiungo hosting expires on Monday), and it seems to work just as well as, if not better than, before. The issues with mod_rewrite were probably solved when the server has to be reinstalled, so I’m happy enough now. 🙂
Random day
Filed under: — orudge @ 19/05/2005 9:54 pm
Not a lot happened today… woke up, postman had been – my copy of Visual Studio 2005 beta 2 arrived, as had a letter from St. Andrews telling me that they received my accommodation application and will allocate accommoation after exam results come out in August. I installed Visual Studio, and proceeded to build a 64-bit Windows version of OpenTTD with it. Tested it on Tom’s computer, and it crashed, but it does work, to a point. Work in progress. 😉
Filed under: — orudge @ 18/05/2005 7:28 pm
Well, today was The Day™, ie, the day of the Higher Biology exam. And I have to say, it actually seemed really quite easy, compared with the past papers and so on I’ve done. I’m really quite confident that I’ve passed it, and also fairly confident that I’ve got at least a B. An A, I’m not sure, but I’ll settle for a B (or even a C, I don’t mind as long as I get at least that). So that’s me hopefully going to St. Andrews now in September, which is good as I’ve been awarded a scholarship there. 🙂 Back at home now until Sunday night now.
Advanced Higher French
Filed under: — orudge @ 17/05/2005 3:25 pm
Had my AH French exam today, and it actually went really well, in my opinion. The papers were both quite a bit easier than the ones we’ve practiced with, we all thought – the reading paper was on mixed marriages (eg, a French person and a Moroccan) and while I know I made some mistakes, it seemed at least to go fairly well. The listening/writing paper was quite good too – it was about wind turbines (guess what have just been erected on Sanday recently? ;)) and so on, and was quite clear and not too quick, so the listening section I’m fairly confident about. The writing section had a bunch of awful questions, but also a really good one on TV/cinema, which was the one I answered. Hopefully that’ll be fine too. 🙂
Just did a Biology past paper… by my reckoning, I got a B, so hopefully I can repeat or exceed that tomorrow. Just need to do some more learning of things like the numbers of carbons in the Calvin Cycle and some other bits and bobs here and there…. all good fun really. No, honestly, it is. Oh, who am I kidding? 😉
Back to the hostel…
Filed under: — orudge @ 16/05/2005 4:46 pm
… until Wednesday evening. Tomorrow is French, which hopefully won’t be too bad – it depends upon how fast the listening is, how easy the reading is, and what questions come up for the essays, I guess! Will keep you posted. Then it’s the big one on Wednesday: Biology. Some sections are gradually becoming less cloudy, so hopefully that trend will continue as time ticks closer to 1.30pm on Wednesday. History is next Monday, I haven’t really thought much about that yet, as I have four empty days before Monday to study for it.
Filed under: — orudge @ 15/05/2005 11:18 am
I’ve been busy this weekend with revision, particularly for Biology, which is on Wednesday, and which I need to pass. SCHOLAR particularly has helped unc loud some of the c loudier parts, so hopefully it’ll help! 🙂
Advanced Higher English
Filed under: — orudge @ 13/05/2005 7:03 pm
Well, today was the first of my 3rd set of SQA exams, and it wasn’t too bad. Three hours in the Conference Room wasn’t that fun, but the first essay (Critical Essay on Alasdair Gray’s “Lanark”) didn’t go too badly, I thought. The second essay, Textual Analysis on a short story about a man obsessed with his dead mother, wasn’t quite as good in my opinion, but I guess I’ll have to wait until August to find out how it goes!
I got some good news today from St. Andrews, my scholarship application has been successful and I’ve been offered a Wardlaw Scholarship worth a few thousand a year, which is excellent news. Now I just need to pass Biology to get into St. Andrews! Will be busy this weekend, I reckon…
English tomorrow!
Filed under: — orudge @ 12/05/2005 4:59 pm
And it’s been an enjoyable day today. Well, it’s been a day today. No school any more, so it was just revision really, and then a number of us from the hostel had a game of rounders (or softball, or something, the rules were never really agreed on by all quarters), which went fairly well until somebody got hit in the nose by the ball. :-/ Looked like it hurt a bit, too.
Will write more tomorrow night, including an update on the Progress of the Exams! Wish me luck!
School’s out…
Filed under: — orudge @ 11/05/2005 8:17 pm
… forever. Unless I happen to become a teacher or something like that, which isn’t currently my plan, but you never know! We had quite a good day today – didn’t do any work, funnily enough, but it was enjoyable enough – and not too mischievous, on my part anyway. 😉
What from now on? A brief timetable of my futureish plans:
May: Exams (yay), random nothingness/catching up with computery stuff (TTDAlter, UTTGR, etc)
June: Probably more random nothingness
July: Become 18. 😉 Sell house, go to North Wales hopefully.
August: Perhaps go on a ‘little’ trip to Bulgaria, assuming we sell the house in reasonable time. Receive exam results. Hopefully find that I am going to St. Andrews.
September: Start university.
So that’s me for the next few months. 😉
One day…
Filed under: — orudge @ 10/05/2005 4:47 pm
And today wasn’t too bad a day. Started off with my last ever period of Advanced Higher English, which was mainly revision of Gray and Hogg. Then it was my probably last ever period of AH French (double-period, in fact), involving an essay on “Un Sac de Billes”, which seemed to go OK, and also some reading and listening practice – not too bad, hopefully next Tuesday will be OK. Finally, a possibly-but-not-necessarily final period of Higher History, which was just revision. Then we all (our guidance class) went down to the Sands Hotel in Burray for a meal, which was quite nice, instead of Young Enterprise. So, that’s that for the day, and I’ll see you all tomorrow, as an ex-school pupil!
Two days to go…
Filed under: — orudge @ 09/05/2005 4:43 pm
As title. 😉
Did I mention that…
Filed under: — orudge @ 08/05/2005 7:20 pm
… I’ve got three days of school left? Not quite sure what I’m going to talk about after that, I’m sure I’ll find something. This won’t be a very long entry as I’ve got to go and finish my French piece on “Un sac de billes”, which is exciting. English exam on Friday, hopefully it’ll all go well!
Filed under: — orudge @ 07/05/2005 9:30 pm
And another exciting Saturday at Rudge HQ. Was lifeguarding today… the most exciting thing that happened was probably someone having a verruca and it having to be covered up by a plaster before they could go in the pool. Better than having to do CPR though, I guess!
My DVD of The Empire Strikes Backyard arrived this week… for those who don’t know, TESBY is a very funny film, being Episode II of Star Wars. Check it out if you like Star Wars. 😉 You may also find other films there, such as “Doom Raiders”, quite funny. Episode III of Star Wars, “The Emperor’s New Clones”, is under production now! 🙂
Night all. And a happy birthday to Ken for yesterday.
3 schooldays and counting
Filed under: — orudge @ 06/05/2005 9:41 pm
So, I’ve had my final Friday of school. Fridays have perhaps been my favourite days of the week for the past school year, my timetable consisting of two free periods, then Biology, English, another free period, and finally Guidance – a fairly easy day, and the end of the week! But all (good?) things must come to an end, and the Fridays of S6 are one of those things.
Things have been rather kicking off on Ken’s scrawl wall… I’d like to post my point of view here, that I do wish Shoogle all the best, and I don’t think their product is bad – quite the contrary. My little rant was simply me expressing my feelings after the initial disappointment of losing. Let’s all just be friends, eh? 😉