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Blog: The Life Of A Supreme Ruler
Films, again
Filed under: — orudge @ 28/02/2005 4:33 pm
Right, quick blog, as I have to go soon, and am still relatively uninspired blog-wise. Probably going to see “Elektra” tonight, not sure what it’ll be like, some people say it’s OK, some people say it’s not, but oh well, I get it free anyway. Apart from that, well, just getting back into the old school routine… got various things this week – Young Enterprise exam tomorrow at 1.30pm, Young Enterprise board meeting tomorrow evening at 7.30pm, Young Enterprise workshop thing in Stromness on Thursday, History end-of-unit test on Friday, so it’s actually turned into kind of a busy week. *sigh* 🙁
Ah, yes, Sunday…
Filed under: — orudge @ 27/02/2005 9:27 pm
… and I’ve been doing some calculations. It’s 4 weeks until the Easter holidays, which are 2 weeks long. It’s then 5 or 6 weeks until exams (again). A couple of weeks after that, and I’ll be leaving!
So that’s tonight’s exciting story. It was fun, wasn’t it?
Filed under: — orudge @ 26/02/2005 7:01 pm
Yep, it’s Saturday again, and it’s one of those bored blogs again… been looking at the prices of accommodation at St Andrews, which is slightly scary: from £1,736.28 to £4,727.09 depending on catering preferences and location. Also, just put in an order for a shiney new 17″ TFT monitor, a dual-layer 16x DVD writer, and some other bits and bobs. So that’s my news for today. 😛
Filed under: — orudge @ 25/02/2005 9:10 am
I checked my e-mail this morning, and finally, there was a message in there entitled “UCAS Application Notification”. I log onto UCAS, and – at last! St Andrews have got back to me, and offered me a place conditional on me passing Biology at level C, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem. So I’m generally very happy at the moment. 🙂
House of Flying Daggers
Filed under: — orudge @ 24/02/2005 12:36 pm
** This Blog Entry Contains Possible Spoilers **
I saw this film last night, it wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t quite what I expected. For one, I didn’t realise it was entirely in Chinese with English subtitles, although once you get into it, it’s not that much of an annoyance. I also found the whole swinging in the trees thing and throwing bamboo sticks a bit, well, unprobably, as well as the fact that the girl could stay alive for half the film (well, seemingly that) with a dagger in her heart… but oh well, perhaps that’s just me. It wasn’t too bad a film for a couple of hours worth of entertainment, just not the sort of film I’d normally see, I guess, or a bit different, which isn’t always a bad thing.
Prelim results are slowly trickling back in… I got 25 out of 30 in my Alasdair Gray essay for English, which is about the same as I got on the end of unit test, and is an A, so I’m happy enough. Not got the results back for Textual Analysis yet, should get those tomorrow, and all the other subject results remain clouded in mystery at the moment. Got Biology next period, the paper should be marked by then I think/hope, but what the mark will actually be… we will see. French last, where we are studying “Un Sac de Billes”, a text by Joseph Joffo about the Nazi occupation in France in the deuxiéme guerre mondialle (apologies for any misplaced accents or anything there). We were told on the day of the French prelim that we had to finish this book by, well, today, which was a bit of a shock as I still had a couple of hundred of pages to go. A couple of hundred pages later, and here I am. Just.
Hmm, just noticed that Ken has somewhat more in his Downloads section than I noticed on last viewing, so I’ll go and look at some of those.
Actually, I’m going to lunch now. Bye.
Grrr… network slowness!
Filed under: — orudge @ 23/02/2005 3:17 pm
Hmm, either tt-forums or the orkneyschools network or something is being very slow and very annoying. Grr. Well, I had nothing today, as my last exam was yesterday, and we only go back to school “properly” tomorrow. So, that’s what I’ll do.
Grr, annoyed.
Filed under: — orudge @ 22/02/2005 4:25 pm
Well, Alexander was an excellent film, quite an epic, as these things often are. Good entertainment for a few hours, anyway… Kirsty is writing an essay to Nick, which is rather twisted, bizarre and amusing. Had History today, didn’t seem to go too badly, didn’t remember all that many quotations though. Apart from that, not a lot, I’m going now, ta ta for now.
Shizzle Ma Bizzle
Filed under: — orudge @ 21/02/2005 4:15 pm
Yep, it’s Monday, and this Monday I present Gizoogle, one of those online translators… but it translates a bit differently. Seen similar things in the past, this one is quite fun too.
Had Biology today – wasn’t excellent, but could have been worse. Am probably going to see Alexander tonight at the cinema, not been in a while and it’s good to keep the old yearly pass well polished!
Well, I’ll say goodbye now. Goodbye.
MGI VideoWave anyone?
Filed under: — orudge @ 20/02/2005 2:04 pm
Anyone want a copy of MGI VideoWave, an excellent video editing program? Clickity-click. 🙂
Mucho to bloggo
Filed under: — orudge @ 19/02/2005 10:30 pm
Hmm, well, this is the part now where I forget what I wanted to say for the past couple of days, due to server problems (not with Zernebok, but with the old Adiungo server, which the blog is still on).
Well, for a start, Microsoft has decided that it IS going to make Internet Explorer 7 after all… here. Shame I switched to Firefox, eh?
Ehm, what else… ah yes, Microsoft again. Now they’re trying to teach parents 1337 speak, so watch out next time you’re pwn3d in a game, as it might indicate possible illegal activity! I must say, I do quite like The Register’s report on this, though.
Hmm. Other random stuff… there was stuff, but I can’t remember what it is. Oh well. See you all soon.
Site moved to new server
Filed under: — orudge @ 17/02/2005 11:23 pm
I have finally moved over to Zernebok, my dedicated server. If anything is broken, please let me know… as far as I know, everything should be OK, but you never know. 😉
Filed under: — orudge @ 16/02/2005 5:56 pm
Hmm, well, the French listening this morning was a bit of a disaster… everyone found it very difficult, and I don’t think anyone’s passed it. The writing wasn’t so bad, and the reading paper seemed to go fairly well for me. English yesterday was reasonable too… the essay question on Alasdair Gray was rather complicated, but I don’t think I did too badly, and I actually quite enjoyed the Textual Analysis passage on “A Piece of Chalk“, which possibly sounds insane, but, well, maybe I am. 😉
Back at home now until Sunday night, not got any exams until next Monday (Biology), with History on Tuesday. Wish me luck! 😉
Gah, gah, and triple-gah
Filed under: — orudge @ 15/02/2005 5:37 pm
Well, if you can see this, you’re lucky. The delightful JervHost server has gone and, well, gone again, and therefore, etc, is Not Working™, which is excellent. That also means that my main e-mail account is Not Working™ – if you urgently need to get in touch with me, use my address (owen@). Hopefully JervHost will be back relatively soon… that’s the theory, anyway. *sigh*
Filed under: — orudge @ 14/02/2005 6:08 pm
Well, experiments (Pete and Rich know what I’m talking about) aren’t going too well… however, I’ve got English exams tomorrow, so that’ll be more fun, I’m sure! Hmm, I’m tired, and still ill.
Filed under: — orudge @ 13/02/2005 3:52 pm
Isn’t life great? Today, I woke up with a blocked nose and a headache… and I have exams on Tuesday. Wonderful. 🙂
Oh well, could be worse, I suppose.
Wow, the floor!
Filed under: — orudge @ 11/02/2005 8:23 pm
Now that’s something! Today, I tidied (most of) my room. This new thing called the floor is fascinating… it’s been many years since I’ve seen it, and it’s actually quite nice. Now to keep this floor clean until we sell the house in May/June… perhaps more challenging!
My brother Tom is in France on a school trip (just like I was some 4 years ago today), so it’s just myself and Dad at home, therefore, things are quite quiet. Hmm, I’m hungry.
OS creation!
Filed under: — orudge @ 10/02/2005 8:07 pm
Well, I just wrote my first, extremely basic OS kernel. It does very little, but it’s something… fun stuff, eh?
Ehm, what else? Not tidied my room up further yet, must do that sometime. Got prelims next week too, which will be fun! Oh, I have to go and e-mail something for Effigy to The Orcadian… end of exciting blog.
Game Downloads Added
Filed under: — orudge @ 12:00 pm
I have decided, due to the general difficulty experienced in finding Transport Tycoon to buy, and due to the overwhelming number of e-mails I get asking for download locations for the game, to provide a mirror of the game downloads here. If anyone has any problems with this, please contact me.
Weird Al…
Filed under: — orudge @ 09/02/2005 11:32 am
… is getting on Abigail’s nerves, as I’m listening to (and singing along to) Albuquerque. It’s a classic song, some eleven minutes and twenty three seconds long.
So we broke up and I never saw her again, but that’s just the way things go, in Albuquerque…
Well, best get back to work, eh?
Filed under: — orudge @ 08/02/2005 8:32 pm
In response to recent customer feedback, I have decided to make this place exciting. Yes.
*starts singing*
Right, that’s livened the place up a bit. Actually, Abigail’s uncle is very funny… he’ll probably not read this, but if he ever does (hint hint, Abigail ;)), then hello to you, and keep up the good work. 😉
Ehm… did another 50 lengths at the pool today. Tomorrow it’s home time until next Monday, as it’s half term… three out of four periods I don’t have teachers for as they’re either on courses or on paternity leave – so tomorrow should be a fairly easy day.
*stops singing*
And on that note, I’ll say goodbye.
PS: David, your cheque is in the post. (To South Africa.)